Chapter 2 - Warning Sign

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Here's an update that seals the direction of this story. Even sisters that love each other can get selfish when it's a question of choosing between blood relation and love.  As with my other stories, there's always a back story why my antagonists are the way they are, so don't go hating on Nicole just yet. 

As I mentioned earlier, some of my chapter titles are actually Coldplay song titles. This is one of them, because the lyrics contain the exact tone of this chapter. Hope you'll like this, my dears. Let me know what you think by leaving comments below.  Enjoy my loves :)

A warning sign

I missed the good part, then I realised

I started looking and the bubble burst

I started looking for excuses

Come on in

I've gotta tell you what a state I'm in

I've gotta tell you in my loudest tones

That I started looking for a warning sign

Whenthe truth is, I miss you 


Maine waited patiently in Bay 9 of the NAIA 3 for Nicole, who left Singapore a day later than she did. They flew together to Singapore but went their separate ways upon arriving there, mostly because their interests were so different. Nicole was in Singapore to meet with her stylist friends and a possible client who wanted her to handle styling for an upcoming magazine shoot, while Maine was there for some touristy R&R and the Coldplay concert.

She touches her lips, reminded of the kisses she shared with RJ, feeling warm at the thought of his body moving against hers. He kind of overwhelmed her with his perfection, and self-deprecating Maine felt it was too good to be true that he seemed enamored of her. In perfect introvert fashion, she was filing her encounter with Richard as a beautiful one-off incident she would cherish, with no illusion of it ever prospering from there. After all, who would fall for the nerdy and anti-social twin?

Nicole was her anti-thesis. She was the popular and pretty twin, the social butterfly who got all the boys, the nicer twin. Nicole had a sweet disposition, a flair for fashion, but was a magnet for disaster. Nicole's heart was broken countless times by pretty boys who took advantage of her, and sadly, she never learned. Always the optimist, she would seize an opportunity for love like it was always her first time, unafraid to fall again, always hopeful.

A knocking on the car window broke her reverie. She unlocked the doors and helped Nicole with her luggage, storing them in the trunk. They both got in the car and drove away, as Nicole chatted animatedly, tossing her hair and gesturing with her perfectly manicured hands.

"Sis, you'll never guess what happened. I think I finally met THE ONE. I know....I know, you can shake your head at me but I think this is it."

"Nic, go easy on the expectations ok? You had it bad last time, I don't want you to get hurt again."

"This guy is different, Maine. He.....he really ME."

"Do I detect uncertainty in that statement? Where exactly did you meet this guy?"

"At Changi a few hours ago, we were on the flight to Manila together."

For some strange reason, Maine's heart suddenly accelerated. Could it be? There were so many men traveling back to Manila from Singapore, what would the odds be that it might be RJ? Oh God, please don't play a cruel trick on us both. Please, no.

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