Chapter 6 - Oceans

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Hello there my dears, how is your week so far? I hope you're all settled back in your routine after the holidays.

Have you ever felt conflicted about a loved one? Has a loved one ever hurt you enough to make you feel emotionally removed from that person? Sometimes, our bodies trigger a defense mechanism to keep us from getting further hurt, by desensitizing us from feeling anything for a person that hurt us, so much so that we are unfeeling even when that loved one seeks us out for help. This is exactly what Maine went through. 

It's a tough situation to be in, but a good heart will always rule in the end. Love will overcome any hurt or hate, and I like to be believe that we all have it in us to set aside negative feelings when a loved one needs us, even if that person hurt us really bad. I hope you feel that in this chapter, my friends. Much as you hate Nicole for her scheming and selfishness, in the end, her sister will always come to her, because they love each other. 

Enjoy reading and tell me what you think. I love your comments so far :)

  Wait for your call, love
The call never came
Ready to fall up
Ready to claim
And I'm ready for it all, love
Ready for the pain
Meet under sun and
Meet me again
In the rain
In the rain  

Maine rushed to the elevator and pressed on it impatiently. Yaya Pearl said not to worry but Maine was filled with guilt over doubting Nicole when she called and asked to be brought to the hospital. She thought it was just another ploy to bring her back, and she adamantly refused to give in. Now she was worried she might pay the price for being too stubborn and spiteful of her sister's happiness.

The elevator doors opened and she pressed eleven, trying to wait patiently till she reached her destination. She proceeded to Room 1104, and went in, hoping Nicole was ok. She entered the room and saw Nicole looking pale and fragile, an IV drip attached to her arm. This was one of the rare occasions that she sees Nicole without any make-up on, and it still amazes her how pretty she is, how young and flawless her face looks. Her red rimmed eyes showed she was crying, though.

"Nic.......are you ok?"

"I'm fine Maine, just another bout with Anemia. The doctors said I overexerted myself and spent too many late nights, bawal daw sakin magpuyat."

"Doctors? As in, plural? What type of doctors? If that were just Anemia, why would more than one doctor see you?"

"Doctors ba sabi ko? Mali, doctor lang. You know me I'm poor with semantics, haha," She laughed feebly. "Missed you sissy. How are you?"

Maine held her sister's fragile hand and squeezed, feeling emotionally choked. Nicole looked a lot sicker than just a bout with Anemia and she felt like crying. She couldn't speak, beating herself up for being too selfish and self-absorbed.

"Nic, why do I get the feeling you're not telling me the truth? Where are your lab tests? I want to see your lab tests."

"OA mo twinnie ha. I'm fine, I just partied too hard. Besides, the lab tests aren't with me, they're with the doctors. Doctor."

"Will you fucking take better care of yourself? Please? Stop dieting for crying out loud."

"I will. Now give me a hug first, I missed you, sissy."

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