Chapter 34 - Life is for Living

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How was your day? Was it as tiring as mine? If it was, then thank God for Wattpad. I am thankful we have simple joys like this to ease our hardship and deal with everyday stress. I am happy I have you, readers, to share my stories and thoughts with. I hope you all find time to stop and think of other simple joys to be thankful for, because no matter how hard life is, it's a good life. there is always something to be thankful for. 

This is what Maine will discover in this chapter. She is faced with hardship dealing with her independence, the homesickness is eating her alive, but Richard finds a way to inspire her, to make her feel better. hat is the strength of love. we uplift the people we love, make them feel better.

I hope this chapter inspires you to be thankful for the little things, and in this month of love, cheesy though it sounds, let's show the people who matter how thankful we are for their presence. Enjoy reading my dears and be happy :) 

  As my head just aches,
When I think of,
The things that I shouldn't have done.

But, life is for living,
We all know,
And I don't wanna live it alone.  

Richard met with Gary and his partners two days after his presentation. Most of them were IT professionals who ventured into digital marketing, and are now sought after resource speakers for various speaking engagements. Some of them also teach in universities and upgrade their credentials by attending certification courses abroad.

"Richard, this is Sanjit Patel, he's our Chief Marketing Officer, and he specializes in Digital Media Planning. This is Nancy Powell, she's our expert on Social Media Marketing. Lastly, this Travis Flores, he takes care of CRM and E-Commerce. We'd like you to handle Digital and Mobile Video Production."

He was toured around their office, after which the partners left them in the conference room to discuss further Richard's entry into their roster. They discussed his contract, wherein he was supposed to render at least one lecture or talk per month. After completing at least six talks, he would be sent to the US for a certification course to upgrade his capabilities.

The prospect was attractive for Richard. On top of making an impact through knowledge transfer, he had a chance of upgrading his knowledge and getting professional certification. The professional fee was also more than generous, but that was actually his last consideration. He was earning enough from his directorial projects, the extra earnings would go to a trust fund he would set up for Celeste.

He got a copy of the contract for consultation with his lawyer. He decided not to share this development with Maine for the time being, he wanted to tell her when everything is already in place. He now had the opportunity to start setting aside funds for their wedding.


The following day was Celeste's scheduled visit to the pediatrician. He went to the hospital to sign on the list for the day's appointments for check-up, with a promise from the secretary that she would call him up as soon as the doctor was in. He went back to the condo to get Celeste ready. She was awake when he arrived, finished with her feeding.

"Sige po yaya, ako na po magpapaligo sa kanya. Pakihanda na lang po yung gamit niya."

He prepared the tub with lukewarm water and took off Celeste's clothes, carrying her and gently seating her on the tub with a hand behind her back. Celeste splashed happily as he lathered her chubby body with liquid soap. She squealed when he took her squeeze toy and made noise with it, laughing when she tapped his cheek repeatedly.

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