Chapter 26 - True Love

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How does one move on when a loved one is lost? It's a difficult enough journey, but one made more difficult of your recovery might be hurting someone in the process. Richard and Maine are taking baby steps towards picking up the pieces after Nicole's death, and it's not an easy process.

There are certain things they need to accept about each other, in order to move on.  Can they do it? Will they need to be apart to heal? Please read on. I would love to hear from you, please share your thought and let's have a nice chat.

P.S. Thank you everyone for the inspiring messages to continue this story. I promise not to let you down :)

For a second, I was in control
I had it once, I lost it though
And all along the fire below would rise

And I wish you could have let me know
What's really going on below
I've lost you now, you let me go
But one last time

Tell me you love me
If you don't then lie
Oh lie to me  

It has been three weeks since Nicole's passing, and Richard thought it was time that he and Maine talked. They have been able to prepare his condo for Celeste's release from the hospital, both deciding that it would be better for him and the baby to be nearer to his work so that he can come home easily without having to weed through traffic much, as is the case if he decided to still live in Nuvali.

Maine was a constant presence in his condo ever since Celeste was released from the hospital, always bringing something for Celeste; a new toy, clothes, or story books and lullaby music. She was crazy about her niece, who brought her so much joy with just a smile or a gurgle. Each day, Celeste looked more and more like her and Nicole, with Nicole's sweet and sunny disposition. She prayed hard that the baby would be healthy, that she would not inherit her mom's susceptibility to sickness, especially to cancer.

Her visits to the condo also became an opportunity for his mom to get to know her better. They also had their own bonding moments, especially during certain weekends when Richard was forced to work in a shoot. Through these past weeks, Maine endeared herself to Richard's mom, prompting his mom to have a talk with him.

"RJ, don't you find it difficult to see Maine? She's the exact replica of Nicole, doesn't it hurt to see her?"

"Sometimes, when I see her carrying Celeste, I feel like crying, ma. I feel bad for Nicole because she never even had the chance to hold our baby. I still feel guilty about not giving her enough of me, that maybe I contributed to her death because she didn't fight hard enough to live."

"Son, don't be too hard on yourself. Marrying her, putting her needs first before following your heart was already a big sacrifice. She knew you loved someone else, you never gave her false hopes. I don't want you to live with guilt because you didn't do anything wrong. It was her choice to stop treatment because she wanted her baby to be strong and healthy."

"Thanks ma. I sometimes get hit by negative thoughts, especially whenever I remember her collapsing in front of me."

"Don't. I'm glad you still have Maine supporting you. This is a time to heal, son. I hope when the right time comes, you and Maine can still find your way back together. She's a very special person, I love how she never got bitter toward her sister. And she dotes on Celeste."

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