Chapter 19 - Talk

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The morning after, beshies. What happens the morning after a full night of intimacy? Will things look and feel the same in the daylight? Will the magic stay? What does Maine want to tell Richard?

All these questions will be answered here.....or maybe more questions will crop up in your mind by the end of this chapter. Whatever you think about, share it and let's discuss.  It seems Kyle has his own set of fans, I promise to write an AU fic soon, with Kyle and Maine together (for a select audience only, because majority still prefer MaiChard).

Enjoy my dears, need to get some zzzzzzzs now :)

  So you don't know where you're going, and you wanna talk
And you feel like you're going where you've been before
You tell anyone who'll listen but you feel ignored
Nothing's really making any sense at all  

She woke up with the sheets tangled in her body, thankfully covering her nakedness. She felt soreness in her arms and legs, and gingerly got up with the sheet wrapped around her, making her way to the bathroom. A white shirt was thoughtfully laid out for her, along with boxers. She checked the time and panicked, it was already 10:00 in the morning. She quickly showered and wore the white shirt and her jeans.

She stepped out of the bedroom and couldn't find Richard anywhere. Quickly, she sent a message to Kyle that she was on her way and booked an Uber. Without time to even leave a note, she left Richard's unit and got into her Uber on her way to work.

Her phone rang five minutes later, with Richard's name on the caller alert.

"Maine....I just stepped out to get us breakfast."

"Jay, so sorry I had to leave, I'm late for work."

"Awww. I miss you already."

"Please don't get clingy on me."

"Will I see you again tonight?"

"Jay.........we still have unresolved issues."

"Kaya nga, we'll talk later."

"Talk lang talaga?"

"Is that what you want?"



She laughed, but sobered upon remembering her sister.

"Seriously, we need to talk, Jay. About Nicole."

"I haven't forgotten, Maine. We'll talk later, ok? I'll come by after work."

She settled back into back seat and dozed off, waking up a few minutes later when she felt the vehicle stop. She paid her fare and walked hurriedly toward the building housing their office. She noticed Kyle's car already at his parking slot, and wondered what he would say to her. She passed the door to his office quietly, not wanting to call attention to herself.

Her heart sank when she entered her office and saw him seated on her desk, waiting for her. He was typing away on his Mac, his hair unruly, his face serious. She looked at him warily, feeling uneasy. Kyle was always easy to talk to, she never had any problems interacting with him. She approached him carefully, waiting for him to speak. She just stood beside him, waiting for him to at least look at her. She extended a hand to brush away wayward locks of hair on his forehead, after which he stops the motion of her hand by holding on to it.

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