Chapter 14 - Don't Let it Break Your Heart

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Photo :  @aboutaldub16 IG account

Hello there friends, my gosh! I got so MANY comments for my last chapter. And I'm sooooo happy that we are now ranked #19 in fan fiction, after only 16 days after I launched the story last January 2! I don't care about being paid, your time for my stories is my best payment. Thank you for the love, I really value your readership :)

I think I will make many people happy with this chapter, haha. But do not be lulled into a false sense of security. You all know me, I love twisting my plots. but for now, enjoy this. Can't wait to hear your comments so share them below, ok?


When you're tired of aiming your arrows,
Still you never hit the mark
And even if your aims are shadows
Still we're never gonna part
Come on baby don't let it break your heart  

Kyle glanced at Maine and smiled knowingly at her. She was combing a hand through her hair self-consciously, checking out her reflection in the glass door for the nth time.

"You look fine, princess. It's not like this is the first time he'll see you."

"Fuck off Kyle," She said crossly, trying to bite off a smile. Richard was coming to meet with them, they would be working on a project together. This was supposedly their "first" meeting with her officially as herself, as Maine. Nicole would have wanted to introduce them first but work got in the way. Now ironically, it was still work that paved the way for them to meet.

Kyle laughed at her, his gaze affectionate. Kyle was always sweet to her, and she liked being pampered by him. He was her best friend, father, brother, business partner and mentor all rolled into one. It was no wonder people thought they were a couple, because even their invasion of each other's personal space seemed to show there was more than just plain friendship between them.

He was her default date every time they attended clients' corporate events, and they looked good together. She slept at his place again the past few nights, having to work late together for their presentation to the client today. Now, waiting in the client's meeting room for the meeting to start, Kyle observes Maine fondly.

He loves her. Way back when she was still a student, she already caught his eye with her wild hair, doe eyes and that tempting mouth that always spoke passionately about her views. He was never one to bed his students, he was a well-respected lecturer in the university and knew that there were quite a number of students who would jump at the opportunity of going to bed with him. But he only wanted to bed one of them. Maine.

In the years that followed her graduation, they became friends, got rumored to be lovers because he was touchy-feely with her and she didn't seem to mind. But it never went beyond affectionate. Maine knew how to keep people at arms' length when she wanted to, and he always respected her decision to remain friends with him. He didn't mind for as long as there was no one else. But that was no longer the case now.

She's in love with someone and was heading for a fall. He knew she was going to get hurt and there was nothing he could do about it. He looked at her now, so anxiously waiting for Richard, wondering how he would react to seeing her for the first time as herself, not Nicole. He wished she wouldn't get hurt too much, but he was there for her, ready to pick up the pieces with her if she needed him.

Sana ako na lang, Maine. He laughed at himself for the thought, the big bad wolf of digital advertising, so sure of himself, slaying every advertising pitch with his confidence and passion, but tongue-tied with a slip of a girl. She was too young for him, an ideal that would never be realized. Only if she makes the first move. That was the sign he asked for.

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