Chapter 3- Cassian

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As the moon continues to rise in the sky, I stay awake.  I'm tired, but I have a bad feeling about this place.  I can't quite place it, but something seems wrong.  So instead of sleeping, I tend the fire and let my mind wander about, thinking about nothing in particular.  But every now and then, my mind wanders to Jyn.

Jyn is peacefully sleeping once again, but this time she's right next to me, not ten feet away like before.  Every now and then she makes occasional noises, but most of the time she's completely silent, aside from her breath.  My jacket is much too big for her, and she looks like a fuzzy marshmallow with it on.  She seems at ease, and is curled up into a ball, which is freaking adorable.  She's grinning from ear to ear, and her hair is a total mess, but she doesn't seem to notice, nor care.

I hope Jyn isn't upset with me.  Kissing her was impulsive, and I can't believe my own audacity.  Oh no, I don't regret it whatsoever.  All I hope is that she didn't mind.  I just felt that I needed to tuck her in, to make her comfortable.  I know she liked the nickname, but I hope to the Force that she won't shut me out tomorrow, and I am going to have to control my impulses.

Yet a tiny, nagging voice in the back of my mind wants me to kiss her again, to hold her and hug her tight.  A part of me wants to be with her.  But the other half, which is reality, tells me that there is no way in heck she likes me and doesn't need a man at all to survive. Which is true.

I'm so torn and lost in thought that I don't even notice when Jyn wakes up and bolts upright.

"Something's not right." she whispers.

I look at her, her green eyes brimming with concern. "What?" I ask.

"Can't you feel it? Something is going to happen. I know it." Jyn whispers. "I can feel it."

"But what-" I start, but Jyn places a finger on my lips, shushing me.

"Shh.  Listen." she exhales quietly.

I look around listening for some sign of an issue.  But I can't hear anything.

"Are you sure-?" I start again, but she cuts me off.

"Can't you feel it too?"


"Listen, then!"

I still hear nothing, until, very faintly, I hear the crackle of a radio. Stormtroopers

"How the heck did you know they were there from that far away?!" I ask her. 

"I dunno, I just knew."

The stormtroopers are coming closer, their footsteps approaching.

 "We gotta move." I say, standing up.

"Not enough time, we have to hide!" Jyn whispers, grabbing my hand.  She looks around.  "To the bushes, now!" she urgently whispers, pointing in the direction of the plants.  The Stormtroopers are coming closer still.

"Oh, if we only had blasters!" I complain, being dragged by Jyn.

Ducking under the bushes, the stormtroopers finally reach the area, their flashlights probing every space.  But the plants aren't tall enough for us to duck and not be seen.

"Lay down." Jyn whispers.

A Stormtrooper shines their light directly at us.  Jyn's head is still able to be seen over the bushes, so I pull her down on top of me, her forehead touching mine.  I can only hope he didn't see anything.  He moves the light away, so I think we may have fooled one for now.

The four stormtroopers look at our camp, searching for clues.

"A campfire." one says.  "It's still going."

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