Chapter 18- Jyn

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I stand in front of a door marked with a number eleven.  I'm kind of concerned for Cassian, and I hope that Vesta isn't hurting him in any way.  But she seems like a nice lady, so all I have to do now is wonder what the heck they are talking about.  I'll probably find out eventually.  But what was it? Why did she have to talk to him alone without me? Is it about me? I sure hope not. Maybe she's telling Cassian to get another man.  That's a scary thought. Shaking my head, I exit my thoughts and return my attention to the door.  

I turn the doorknob and walk into room eleven, still not sure what to expect.  As the door swings open, I gasp. I'm immediately in awe of my surroundings.  The first thing that hits me is the vast amount of light.  Soft sunlight streams through enormous windows, highlighting the colorful stone floors. The ceilings are easily twenty feet high, granite pillars turning into arches as they go up, softly defining the roof.  The arches lead my eyes to the high ceiling, immensely decorated and filled with colorful tiles of rock.  This room is freaking huge, and packed with amenities.  A large bed is in the center, heaping with pillows.  As I skim my eyes across the room, I notice couches, a dining table, and a large bathroom for two. Grandiose, open doorways lead out to a balcony, overlooking a quiet lake and hills of rolling greenery.  I walk out onto the balcony slowly, closing my eyes.  Birds chirp as a soft breeze hits my face and relaxes my entire being.  I rest my hands on the stone railing, arches intricately carved within it.  I look at the railing closely, running my hand through an arch.  It's flawlessly created, not a single bump or anything out of place in the carving.  I whistle in approval.  If there's one thing that this planet knows, it's definitely sophistication.  The architecture complements the beautiful landscape perfectly.

I walk back into the airy room, focusing my attention to the bed.  Undoing my hair, I collapse onto the covers.  I sigh happily, running my fingers over the soft, satin bedsheets.  I thought the bed on the ship was comfy.   This one is even better.  The delicately fluffy pillows easily hold my head in place.  I'm practically laying on a marshmallow, except it's not sticky.  Light appears to flitter as I position myself so I'm laying on my back, still not using any covers.  I sigh again.  I could literally stay here forever.  This place is so amazing.  It's beautiful.  There's just no other word to describe it.

Cassian slowly peeks his head through the door, and walks in.  Suddenly, all of the sophistication and beauty in the room seems to be dampened just a bit.  My vision tunnels, and I begin to ignore all of the beautiful details in the room, and focus in on the little details about Cassian.  His ebony black hair complements his soft brown eyes and olive skin.  His eyes sparkle with the light of a thousand stars when he smiles at me.  His broad shoulders taper down to a strong waist, making him the perfect candidate for me to wrap my arms around him in a hug.  But obviously, looks aren't the important part here.  It's his personality that really matters.  But Cassian is so handsome.  He's perfect. How did I not see this until now? 

"Jyn?" he laughs.  "You okay?"

I shake my head, quickly changing my face from a blank stare to something more cheerful.  "Yeah, yeah. Just thinking."

Cassian comes to the edge of the bed, and sits down so he's facing me.  

"About what?"

"Oh, mostly about how freaking awesome this room is." I grin.  "Look at the architecture! Look at the design!"

Cassian glances around the room, nodding in approval.  "Naboo definitely knows how to decorate."

"We can't just not pay this lady." I say unhappily.  "She gave us the best room she has to offer.  We have to pay her something."

"We can try, but I doubt she'll accept it." Cassian groans.  "She's kind of stubborn.  In a sweet way, of course."

"So what did she need to tell you?" I ask.

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