Chapter 6- Jyn

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To everyone reading this story-

Oh my gosh.

I leave for three days, and you AMAZING people bring my read count to 2K! This is way more than I could have ever anticipated or hoped for, and I love you all! :D

Sorry that I didn't update this week... School stinks, and with swim team on top of it, I simply did not have the luxury of time to write... which really stinks, I felt so guilty every day for not updating. :/

So from this point on, I will update during the week when I can, but for sure a couple of times on the weekends. I intend on finishing this story, and I shall not give up!

Thanks again!



"Jyn, wake up." Cassian whispers, pulling me out of a peaceful slumber. I groan. It is much too early to be getting up.

"Nooooo." I protest feebly, snuggling into his warm chest.

"Come on, the Empire is going to be on our trail if we don't get moving here." he points out.

I groan again. I am not a morning person. "But it's too early..." I yawn. I need to convince him to stay here. "Can't we stay here a little longer?" I look up at him, my eyes full of pleading, trying to look as innocent and helpless as possible. Which is seriously difficult.

Cassian looks at me, laughing. "Don't give me that look. You're not innocent."

I decide to go a more familiar route instead. "Okay, then. You try to move or move me, I shall-" I start, but Cassian puts his hand up.

"Okay, okay. I don't need threats. I won't move." Cassian says hurriedly.

I grin. "That's what I like to hear."

"So, I'm changing the subject. I know you said you liked me last night... Do you like me, or do you like like me?" he asks, his eyes glinting with playfulness.

"Well, of course I like like you! What kind of question is that?!" I laugh. "Why would I kiss you if I didn't like you a lot?"

Cassian nods his head in approval. "That is a very good point."

We sit in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company. That's all we need right now. The air smells of burning wreckage and saltwater. Most likely because of the base I blew up last night. Which instantly alerts me to another issue.

"How's your shoulder?" I ask immediately.

"It's fine. I'll live." he waves me off again.

"Stop doing that! I know that you're in pain. What can I do to help?"

He shakes his head. "I'm fine."

I grin. "Do you need a kiss to make it all better?"

Cassian chuckles. "That might help."

I slowly kiss his shoulder, careful not to further damage it.

"Oh man. The corner of my lip just started hurting. Can you kiss that too?" he asks, laughing.

I roll my eyes, pulling him into me for a kiss.  This may be for him, but to be honest, I probably enjoy it more than he does.  My heart flutters wildly when his soft lips touch mine for the second time, filling me with an ineffable emotion. I love holding him close, being with him, being held by him, even being carried by him.  Although I would never tell him that.  I'm an independent woman, not a helpless princess.

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