Chapter 13- Cassian

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As I'm being dragged away from Jyn, I lock eyes with her one last time.  Her beautiful green eyes are not afraid, but instead filled with another emotion.  I can't exactly tell what it is from this distance, but I can guess that it's compassion.  If I could speak, I would tell her so much, about everything that I didn't.  I would tell her about all of the things I put off because I assumed I could tell her later.  I should've told her that she was beautiful more often, or given her more hugs and supported her to the best of my ability on the rare occasions that she cried.  I should've been a better person.  And if I see her again, I will be a better person.  

As the stormtroopers drag me away, I take note of how to get to the docking bay the fastest.  If I somehow manage to escape my cell, I'm going to need to know the way.  This place is absolutely enormous.  It would be so easy to get lost in here.  To make matters worse, there aren't that many signs.  I'm going to have a very big issue on my hands if they don't kill me before I find a way out.  If I was to escape, I would need to find Jyn.  I have no idea where she's being taken right now.  She's probably going to be guarded very heavily, much more than I, due to her history with the Empire.

Maybe I can get out and see her again.  But the chances of that happening are very, very slim, almost to the point of impossibility.  Maybe I would see her in one out of one hundred thousand attempts at escape.  Those are not good odds.

But there's still a small glimmer of hope, and that's all I need to keep going.

Any chance to see Jyn again I will take with open hands and an open heart, no matter how difficult and near impossible it may be.

We go up an elevator shaft, and it opens to reveal a detention block.  A small sign on the side tells me that this is Detention Block AA-23.  They take me inside of a cell and close the door.  Once they are entirely sure that I cannot escape, they remove my gag and handcuffs.  

"Where is Jyn being taken?" I ask them, desperate.

"Oh, your girlfriend?" One of the stormtroopers laughs.  "She's probably going to be executed if she doesn't tell the location of the rebel base.  Just like you."  On that pleasant note, the stormtroopers shut the door and leave me to think.  

I'm going to have a lot of trouble escaping this cell.  I've escaped a lot of cells in my day, but this one is incredibly sophisticated. The door is mechanical, and can only be opened from the outside.  I have no weapons on me at all.  From what I can tell, there's a power box to the right of the door, but I can't get into it.  Even if I could get into the box, I doubt I could control the door from it.  The Empire may be stupid, but they certainly designed their cells to hold anyone or anything in the Galaxy.

The only thing I can really think about is Jyn.  Worry and fear bubble inside of me, twisting and turning my insides.  If Jyn doesn't survive and I do, I'll never forgive myself.  Suddenly, I picture Jyn being put in a cell, and instantly taking out all of the stormtroopers as soon as they remove the handcuffs.  This makes me smile a tiny bit.  I know that Jyn is going to give them hell.  I also know that she would die before she would tell the Empire anything, much less the location of the rebel base.  Jyn wouldn't tell them the color of the sky if they asked for it.  Although not genetically, she definitely inherited that trait from Saw Gerrera, along with a few other things.  Her independent nature, perseverance and a strong sense of righteousness are all from him as well.  So basically, Saw Gerrera gave Jyn the traits that I appreciate about her the most.  Too bad he had to die on Jedha.  But then again, if he didn't die on Jedha, he would've died on Scarif.  

I'm suddenly overcome with grief again for the deaths of so many people that I knew so well.  I may not have known Chirrut or Baze that well, but I still cared about them.  It was awful listening to K-2SO die, my only friend, and not being able to do anything about it.  I had to carry on with the mission.  Until now, I haven't really had any time to grieve.  We had to get off of that planet, and it served as a distraction.  Jyn was a distraction as well.  But now that I have nothing to do, and Jyn isn't with me anymore, it weighs on my heart and sinks into my soul.  

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