Chapter 9- Cassian

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"Hey, look! A rock!" Jyn grins, pointing to a pebble on the beach. "That's very gneiss."

I groan.  We're walking to the mountains, which isn't that bad.  However, Jyn has been pointing out random things and making puns with them for at least two hours.  Which makes the trip a lot less enjoyable.  How does she even come up with all of these horrible puns?  Why do I have to deal with this?!

"Hey, look! A bird!" she says, laughing at my frustration.  "Hey, I'm talon you, these puns are great!"

I smack my head. "Jyn! Stop!"

"Are you saying that my puns aren't-" she starts, but I cover her mouth, Jyn struggling under my grip.  

"Not another word." I warn.  "Think about your next sentence carefully.  No more puns."

She rips my hand off of her mouth.  "Are you saying my puns aren't any good?"

I sigh.  "Thanks for not making another pun about something stupid."

"Like a pun about bread?" she suggests.

I laugh.  "I'm sure you could never think of a bread pun."

"Oh, I dunno.  I'm on a roll today." she says casually.

I sigh, happy that she didn't make another pun.  Until I realize that she did make another pun.  I look over at her, seeing her silently laughing.

"Oh, that was sneaky!" I laugh, Jyn looking at me mischievously.  "Roll.  Ha ha.  You almost sneaked that one past me! That was pretty good, as far as puns go."

"See, I think you like my puns.  You're just too stubborn to admit it!" she accuses.

"No." I say honestly.  "I really don't like them.   But it's definitely you, and you look adorable when you laugh. So I tolerate it."

"Aww, you like my laugh! That's so sweet!" Jyn smiles.  "Now you just have to like my puns, and we'll be best buds forever!"

"Aren't we already friends?" I point out.

"Uh, yeah.  But we're not best buds forever."  she corrects.

"I'm pretty sure we've past that point." I laugh.  "I'm fairly sure that best friends don't make out."

She shrugs.  "So we're friends that kiss.  What do you call that?"

I can instantly think of a word to meet those requirements, but I have to stop for a minute.  Would Jyn like it? Would she shun me if I said it? However, she has kissed me a lot, so she probably won't mind.  Hopefully.  "A couple?" I suggest.

Her eyes go wide.  "Ooh, are we dating?  Please tell me we're dating."

"Uh, technically I don't think so, but sure." I confirm, laughing.  "Yes, we're dating now."

"This calls for a fist bump." Jyn insists, raising her fist up.  I grin, obliging her.  As I move my hand forward to bump her hand, she moves opens her hand and palms my fist.  

"SARLACC!" she yells, smirking.  She wiggles her fingers, mimicking the tentacles of a sarlacc.

I roll my eyes, chuckling. "Really? That's so immature."

"Is it?" Jyn says, looking bored.  "Hmm.  Whatever."

We continue walking, sharing short stories and the occasional pun when the conversation goes quiet.  As the day goes on, the conversation goes quiet, and we both become lost in our own thoughts.  I'm honestly quite worried about the Rebellion.  If they're found, the Empire will stop at nothing to completely obliterate them.  I really hope that there's a settlement on this mountain.  If not, we're doomed.  The Empire would probably surround and arrest us, and that'll be it.  My time with Jyn would be over.  No more kisses, no hope, no future.  Shaking that scary thought out of my head, I look over to Jyn, who's deep in thought.  Her eyes look to the horizon, blank and unfocused, and almost sad.  I wonder what the heck she's thinking about that could make her so numb and unaware to reality.  But that's probably okay, because she'd be making a lot of dumb puns if she wasn't thinking so much.  Her soft hair billows slightly in the wind in a steady rhythm, making me slightly obsessed with it.  I want to touch it so badly right now.  But she'd probably kill me if I did that, so I suppress my urge and try to focus on something else that's less distracting.  I try to look to something else, anything else, but I can't.  Jyn is too incredible and beautiful.  She's covered in grime and dirt, but that makes her look even tougher.  Somehow, it makes her look even hotter.  I have no idea how that works, but whatever.  I guess I'm a sucker for badass women who don't care at all about their looks.  Although I've never dated any other women... so maybe I'm just a sucker for Jyn.

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