Chapter 11- Cassian

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Well, so the Empire finally found us.  If they capture us, we'll probably be tortured for the location of the rebel base.  I'm not very happy that they found us.

All I can say, however, it that it's about time.  The most powerful dictatorship in the Galaxy only took about three days to find us.  We have the odds stacked against us in every way possible.  They have hundreds of thousands of men working for them, and the ability to freaking obiterate entire planets into nonbeing.  We have... uh, nothing really that impressive.  We're unarmed, lazy rebels.  Well, a rebel and a rogue, technically.  But I guess Jyn's a rebel now, considering she practically died for our cause.  

It was only a matter of time before the Empire found us.  Yet, somehow, against all of the odds, it still takes them three days to find us.  Seems legit. Of course, when I say legit, I mean not legit at all.

So now Jyn and I are running for our lives, blaster bolts sparking around us.  If they catch us, we're screwed.  I look over at Jyn, and she is tearing across the beach like a lion.  From what I can tell, she's not even panting or breaking a sweat at all.  She's obviously done this in the past, most likely running from the Empire.  Just like we're doing now.  Which is great.  But it's a good thing that Jyn can run and force me to keep up with her, because we'd have already been caught if we were going my pace.  We've been sprinting for almost ten minutes now.  How the heck does she do that? Is she even human? She might've done this before, but still.  Impressive.  Most impressive.

I, on the other hand, am incredibly sick of running.  I'm a swimmer, and everyone knows that swimmers can't run at all.  Or at least I can't.  I look back, seeing the stormtroopers and the rest of the legion chasing after us.  Oh, Jyn.  Why did you have to blow up that base?! Now we're probably goners.  We can't outrun them.  Our victory is only temporary.

"We can't outrun them forever!" Jyn yells to me, covering her face as laser fire whizzes past us.  It's almost like she read my mind.  But did she? If she reallly has the Force... Speaking of the Force, Thank the Force that a stormtrooper can't even hit a target if it was two inches away from his gun.  

"Maybe not outrun them." I suggest.  "But we can outsmart them."

"Well, how exactly are we going to do that?" She yells back, irritated.  An explosion launches some of the beach into the air behind us. Suddenly, backwards elephant screams roar above us. Oh goody.  TIE Fighters have joined the party now.  What's next? Star Destroyers?!

"Uh, we can hide!" I yell.

"Hiding is for sissies!" She replies smartly.

Knowing I can use her competitive nature to my advantage, I sprint faster, leaving Jyn behind. "Whoever is in last place is a rotten-"

"OH NO YOU DID NOT." Jyn screams.  Man, is she loud when she wants to be.  And competitive.  Very, very competitive.  Which is a good thing in this instance. She easily surpasses me, running into the distance.  I have to sprint impossibly faster in order to reach her.  When we are far enough ahead that they can't see us,  I run into the forest.  

"Jyn!" I call.  "Come on!"  She turns around and sprints into the forest beyond the sand.  She spits into her hands and scales a tree trunk so fast that I just stand and watch in awe of her for a minute.  She's so amazing.  I could never be as skilled as her, even if I trained for three hundred years.

"Come on, Cassian! Climb!" She hisses from her spot in the tree, snapping me out of my temporary oblivion. 

I attempt to climb the tree as fast as I can, but I'm not nearly as good as Jyn is.  The stromtroopers come into view as soon as Jyn pulls me up the rest of the way onto the branch.  Will this work? I have absolutely no idea.  I'm extremely nervous about this whole thing.

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