Chapter 12- Jyn

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Hundreds of thousands of voices cry as one as they are silenced by their deaths.  I can hear their screams, and then that's it.  Simply nothing.  Gone.


That's the only word that can be used to describe what just happened to Alderaan.  

The Empire disagreed with their views.  They needed information from the Princess. In response, they destroyed her home planet entirely.  I was never alive in the Republic, but my parents always spoke of a time when this Galaxy was a democracy.  You could say what you wanted and live in peace.  What happened?

Yet I already know the horrible answer to that question.  The Emperor happened.  The fall of the Jedi Order.  The rise of Darth Vader and his Empire.

The Empire has become so utterly heartless and powerful that they can murder millions of innocent men, women and children with the flick of a few switches and a couple of buttons.  

They need to be stopped.

But how?

My eyes fly open immediately, my brain hurting from the vision I just had.  Alderaan.  They destroyed an entire planet.  I'm know why Alderaan was destroyed by the Empire, but no matter the reason, it's not right or just at all.  I can just imagine the thousands of innocent people on that planet... All of the small children clutching onto their parents, thinking that it will all be okay... and their parents just knowing that it's over.  Tears begin to form in my eyes for people I never have known or thought about until their demise.

As I slowly become aware of my surroundings and start to remember what happened in real life, more and more things begin to make sense.  They must've knocked me unconscious because I was struggling and actually winning.  My hands are bound, with extremely thick and heavy links connecting the handcuffs to the floor.  The light is dim, and I can barely see anything.  My mind instantly goes to one thing only- Cassian.  Panic rises inside of me like acid.  Where is he? Is he okay?  If he's already dead, I'll never forgive myself for attacking those troopers.

As I look harder, I just barely manage to see him across from me. My body fills with relief. He's bound up as well, but seems to be conscious and okay.  He's alive, and that's what is important.  I stand up immediately, going as close to Cassian as my chains allow me.  He does the same, but we're still at least two feet apart.  I try to speak, but I realize that I'm gagged.  He can't say anything either, but his eyes are filled with relief, most likely at the fact that I'm okay.  I struggle against my chains, desperate to go closer to Cassian, but I can't break these links.  Cassian tries to break them as well, but he also has no luck.  They clearly knew who they were going to be dealing with.  I simply lock eyes with him, trying to convey my emotions without words.

I try to convey my apologies to him through simply a look.  We shouldn't have climbed that mountain.  That's what ultimately led to our capture.  It was a trap and I fell for it.  If I had just listened to myself, and Cassian, we wouldn't be in this mess.  I'm wracked with guilt, and I really hope that Cassian isn't upset with me.  I wish I could ask him, to tell him that I'm sorry for everything wrong I've ever done, but I can't.  Fortunately, Cassian knows me well, and he probably knows what I'm thinking. 

To confirm my suspicions, Cassian nods, his eyes full of sympathy.  I may not be able to hear his voice, but I know what he's trying to tell me.  He doesn't blame me.  I try to smile, to tell him thank you, just for being such an amazing person who I don't deserve.  But I can't.  I thought that being without Cassian would be the worst curse of all.  But really, the worst curse is being with him, but not able to convey any emotions. 

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