Chapter 5- Cassian

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As I hold Jyn's battle scarred hand, I look at her determined, yet disoriented face while we walk.  She seems really shaken up.  That is most definitely from repeating and thinking about the torture she had to go through at that Imperial camp.  Honestly, it kind of terrified me to hear what they did to her.  I know that I certainly could never be that strong.  She didn't cry a single tear, even when they tortured her probably near the point of insanity or death.  Not one, because she simply didn't want to give them satisfaction.  Now that is true devotion.  How the heck did she survive for so long? I certainly would't have.  I clearly am a total wimp compared to this incredible woman.

I honestly don't think Jyn knows how incredible she is, however.  She seems almost ashamed of the scars, and she should never be ashamed of something that proves how amazing she is.  She caught a whip.  That alone is impressive, but she did it blindfolded, after snapping her chains in half.  That's not even humanly possible.  She couldn't see it coming. It's almost like she has this sixth sense.  First with sensing the stormtroopers, now this? It's incredibly helpful, but what even is it?

Almost as if on cue, right as I wonder how she does it, she stops dead in her tracks.  

"What?" I ask concernedly.

"This is not right."  Jyn says immediately.  "Something's not right.  It feels wrong here.  Danger is coming."


"I don't know.  But I have a bad feeling about this."

I try to act calm, but inside Jyn is making me very worried and nervous.  Her senses are always dead on and never wrong once.  If she thinks danger is coming, danger is definitely in the very near future.  That is a guarantee. I look around, but I, of course, don't see or feel anything unusual or dangerous.  But what do I know?  I'm not that smart. 

As we continue to walk forward, Jyn's prediction almost immediately comes true.  Several stormtroopers are on the beach ahead of us.

But this time, a massive Imperial base looms behind the beach, completely built inside the face of a ginormous rock cliff.  Imperial flags reign, and the six-spoked symbol of the Empire is carved into the rock.  It's easily fifteen feet in diameter, causing a sense of panic and terror in their enemies. Jyn pulls me into the bushes, thinking hard.

"An Imperial base? Here?" Jyn questions.

"Well, that's how those troopers found us the other night." I say, understanding it all.

"How are we going to get past it?" she asks in concern.

"Well, it isn't going to be easy."

Suddenly, Jyn bolts upright. "Hide.  NOW." she whispers, disappearing into the bushes.

"What?!"  Suddenly, I feel something touching my head. A gun.

"Stop right there, rebel scum!" A stormtrooper barks.  "You're under arrest."

I stand up with my hands behind my head.  There's three stormtroopers. Jyn is nowhere to be seen.  Please help me out, Jyn. I pray.

"Take this one back to the base." he commands.

Oh no. I groan. But I apparently don't need to worry about that. Jyn flies out of the bush, kicking and punching the stormtroopers.  I try to help, but within three seconds Jyn has managed to kill them all.  Without a gun.  They didn't even have time to react.  This woman is beyond good. She's skilled.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" I ask in awe.

"I taught myself.  I'll teach you sometime." she grins.

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