Chapter 3

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Additional Cast:

Chris Wood as Daniel Alexander Nelson

Paget Brewster as Laureen Nelson

Sophie's POV

My watch reads 6:30 a.m. when I get up from bed. College is about to start in a week and I will admit that even though I am ready to start this new chapter of my life, I am very nervous about it. It's not that I don't like school or anything, I am what you would call 'perfect student' after all, but the way I see it, it's just another 4 years of my life filled with anxiety, pressure, studying for pre law and then 3 more years for law school...I'm just so tired of this.

I put my clothes on and get ready for my daily run. Running has always helped me with my anxiety (that and a few valerian root pills here and there to be honest), it's a hobby I picked up after my mother suggested we run together for bonding time and even though we had to wake up really early, I still liked all the time I got to spent with her. It was nice to have something of our own, just the 2 of us.

While mother and I had running as a hobby, my dad is a different case. Our thing is the movies. Even as a little child when the only movies I could watch were animations mostly, he would always take me to the movies, to have a father-daughter date as he called it. I adored those moments with him. We would always talk during the movie and people would glare at us but we never stopped. He would answer all the naive questions I would have, like I was a grown up even though I couldn't understand a thing...Damn,I will miss my daily routine, I will miss them and my little brother Ben, but I have to do this, everybody does it, education is important ,as mother always says, but that doesn't mean a thing if you are you have to be the best out there or else you are as good as nothing.

Just hold on Soph, it's only four more years...You got through 12, you can handle college...Oh God, then I will have to get a master's degree right? Mother says I should go to England or something...How many years is a masters again? Damn Soph stop, it's only 7:00! Just get out of the house and start running!

The streets are quiet this time of the day, and peaceful, but soon people will get in their cars and start the day. I stop at the park that's a few miles away from home and look at the flowers. I am not much of a flower lover but I do appreciate their beauty. I take a picture of them and with the right filter I will post later on Instagram for all of the 300 people following me, to see. I do enjoy social media, especially Tumblr but not all of its content, I mean why would people post girls kissing each other or people in general doing worse than that? God, some people just have no filter to what they post! And all the mature content..Straight or not... Who does that in real life? It looks so gross! Well I guess if I had a boyfriend I would know why people are so hyped about it but such distractions can get you in trouble. All the heartbreak and the disappointment, and the drinking to forget your pain, it's just so messy. Thank god I never had to deal with it. Zero distractions, zero teen drama, zero pregnancy scares! Well done Soph!

I would never let such things mess with my career and my perfect school profile, if only I had been the valedictorian, but you see, the teachers had to give that to that... Vanessa Adams. That girl has always pissed me off, miss valedictorian my butt! I deserved it as much as she did!

Well to be fair, her GPA was slightly better and I think I would have liked her if she wasn't my rival, but high school is a battlefield and only one survives the grade war. And I might feel a little guilty for causing a scene when the principal chose her, but thank god I won't have to see her again! Thank god I won't have to see any of my classmates, I never really bonded or hung out with them.

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