Chapter 11

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Additional Cast:

 Jessica Parker Kennedy as Sam Harris 

Dulce Maria as Nina Andrews 

 Frances Fisher as Abigail Fitzgerald 

Sophie's POV

The first week of college went by pretty well. After the cinema fiasco with Joss and Alice, Joss and I stayed in and had a quiet weekend rewatching Star Wars and downing a tone of popcorn, which was pleasant enough. I teased him a bit, actually a lot, about the Alice thing and how pissed he had been. It was good to see him so worked up about someone.

As for Vanessa.....well let's just say that I didn't have an awful night. Like I said, maybe if we weren't rivals in high school, today we would have been maybe not besties, but at least something more that acquaintances. I might be willing to forgive and forget the high school drama and start over I guess... I know... Joss was right after all. I need to broaden my horizons, and meet new people, well I already know Vanessa is not a killer or a weirdo, so she can be the first. Right? But I will not make the first move here, I am not that desperate, she can do it, if she wants, I mean I hope she does..

I open the door to the small coffee house next to campus and see a huge line. I should have guessed it would be mainstream. There must be at least 15 people in front of me, so I pull my phone out and put my earplugs in. I look up to see if the line has moved a bit when I recognize a familiar mane,Vanessa's, a few people ahead of me, who at that time looks behind her shoulder, and notices me. She leaves her spot and comes next to me with a rather huge smile, to be honest.

"Hey good morning! Big line huh?" She asks, way cheerful in the morning. Was she always so bright in high school? I never noticed...

"Yes it is. You missed your spot in the line!" I point but she shakes her head.

"That's ok, I can wait a little longer. You have class?" She asks politely.

"Yes in 30 minutes actually, elective. You?" I should make polite conversation. People like you more when you seem interested in their routine. Not that I care is she likes me of course...

"I am here to buy breakfast for Alice. She is a sleepyhead so I thought it would be nice to be considerate." She says pointing the line of croissants.

Aww..that's nice.. Joss hasn't done that to me in a long time. He used to, in high school, but it's been 2 years...I would like some breakfast waiting for me when I wake up.. Lucky Alice.

"Good thinking, she will appreciate it." I say because there's nothing else to comment but the truth. I have to scold Joss for not being considerate. He is eating my stuff all the time! My thoughts are interrupted by a laugh, two actually, and a smiling Vanessa that's looking to her left, waving at someone so I turn my head to look at the direction too. First, I see a girl with light brown skin and curly dark brown hair with a big smile, leaning on someone's side, hugging them. Then my eyes fall to that someone...the girl from past Monday.

The same blonde girl with light blue eyes that irritated me the first day of class. Scratch that, I irritated her with my comment.... Wait, they are coming over?

"Robin, Sam hi! Good morning!" Vanessa says enthusiastically. She knows them? I see the moment the blonde girl's eyes widened. She stopped walking for a bit and the other girl practically dragged her next to us not having a clue. Vanessa looks at me and then at the girls.

"Sophie, this is Robin and Sam, I met them on our first week. Guys,this is Sophie, my hometown classmate." So the blonde one is Robin...

"I have met your friend, we share a class together, can't say the same about beliefs.. But whatever, right? Hi Vanessa how are you?" Robin comments as she momentarily looked at me with stone cold eyes. Guess she is still pissed? And sassy! Great!

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