Chapter 91

109 8 12


Additional Cast:

Nick Zano as Alex Summers

Timothy Olyphant as Nicholas Ford

Sophie's POV

I have never been so down in my life, and it's me we are talking about. I have been down from times to times for not so small periods of time. But this time I have been like this the whole week, and it's tiring to have to pretend that you are OK. I do it mostly for Robin, because she has been down this week too, in sync with my mood, still feeling guilty about this, but I put on a content face for her and for the others as well, 'cause it's like they have been walking on eggshells when I am around. They try to be positive and their constant effort to cheer me up and make me laugh is pissing me off sometimes. Last week things were looking better, this week is awful.

"We get it that you feel down" I hate it when they say it. They don't get it. I wish they would stop saying that. Their parents are supportive. Their parents are proud of them, and their parents haven't been ignoring their kid's phone calls for 2 weeks now. Their parents are not like my mother. Joss gets it but the others don't. Robin doesn't get it either, and her playful efforts piss me off the most. I don't always want to go to the movies, I don't always wanna go to the park, I don't always want to sleep with her and sometimes I just wanna stay in my room and not see anyone, not even her.

But at the same time, I thank her for being there for me. I couldn't be doing this alone. I guess sometimes my bad mood gets the best of me.

Today is that day. As were the last 6.

She came home earlier, carrying a huge popcorn bag, and a bouquet of seven white roses. She came all cheery and smiley, declaring a Reign marathon. I didn't feel like it but I had no choice. I put my neutral face on and sat next to her on my king's size bed.

"Baby, I swear these clothes are not from this era. How can they be! They should have done a better research... but Adelaide looks so damn hot in them. She is fire! What do you think?" she asks as she selects the next episode.

"I guess she is good-looking." I mutter. "I am not watching this for the actress, unlike you. I am interested in the story." I say coldly afterwards, crossing my arms around my chest. She turns to me with a puzzled look in her face but after a few seconds she returns her gaze on the laptop screen, crossing her arms as well.

40 minutes later, my demeanor is still stiff and uninterested in what went down on the episode. Robin on the other side has regained her composure if her sparkly eyes are any indication. She puts the laptop aside and scoots closer on my body for a cuddling session, but I don't feel like it. Soon she is nibbling my neck and her hand travels to my stomach. Involuntary I flinch.

"Are my hands cold?" she asks innocently retrieving her hand. I sigh deeply disappointed at myself for giving my mood away.

"I just don't feel like cuddling right now. Sorry." My voice sounded weird after I said those words. Like it wasn't me that said them. But it is me.

"Oh... ok." She detaches from me and lies on her back, looking at the ceiling. The mood is so dark right now and guilt creeps on me. I shouldn't be doing this to her, I know. I close my eyes thanking whatever force is out there, that the silent is not uncomfortable between us yet, but somehow calm and soothing, but suddenly I feel movement on my bed and the warmth of Robin's body next to me is no longer there. I open my eyes and see her at the edge of the bed putting her shoes on, and alarmed I sit up.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused and feeling nauseous. She sighs deeply and stops all movements, looking down at her feet.

"I think I should go home. You are clearly not into this, so I will leave you alone as you seem to want these days." There is something in her voice I can't make out.

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