Chapter 97

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Alice's POV

"Here we are!" Joseph says, as he turns off the engine.

I open the car's door and let the fresh summer breeze refresh me. It's a beautiful night with a crystal clear sky. The stars are shining bright, giving hints of light to the darkness.

Joseph takes out a dark red rug from the trunk and puts it on the hood. What is he planning? He nods to me to come near him.

"I hope you like it! It's one of my favourite places." he whispers, holding my hand tenderly.

I look around mesmerized by the city's view that's spreading in front of me. Million lights scattered in the darkness. Seem so close, yet so far.

"How do you discover all these amazing places?" I wonder, without taking my eyes from the view.

"Ι am the best trip advisor." he winks. "This hill offers the best view to the city and to me the opportunity to show how romantic I can be." he smiles, genuinely.

"Joseph William Nelson, you are a romantic trash." I tease him, pecking his cheek.

"I prefer the term ideal boyfriend. Even without realizing it, I am an excel at that as well." His cocky nature barges in, but it looks so cute to me now.

"Let me be the judge of that." I smile mischievously to him, before I go and make myself comfortable on the hood.

"I know what I am dealing with, so I came prepared." he smirks and walks to the trunk again. I wonder what he's up to. He comes again to the front, presenting a bottle of wine, attended by his victorious smile.

"Ok you win! You are an ideal boyfriend indeed!" I smile widely as well, while Joseph places himself next to me.

"I always win!" he pecks my lips and pours the red liquor in two plastic cups.

"Where did you get it?"

"Claire did her magic tricks again." he gives me the one cup.

"She saved your ass big time." I giggle.

"Truth is, when I told her why I needed the wine she did anything in her power to get me one of the best. That's how much she likes you."

"I like her too. She's cool!" I answer honestly.

Despite being aware of her and Joseph's past, I can say I am in peace with it. Claire is a candid person. She really supports mine and Joseph's relationship; not to mention, she encouraged it even before me and him became a thing. My gut tells me she is a trustworthy and good hearted person and the facts show to that.

"This is the best way to celebrate the end of the finals." I take in a large breath of air. It's so relieving that this period is finally over. Today I had my last exam, whereas Joseph's ended one day earlier. Lucky bastard.

"And the start of the summer." he smiles. "Let's make a toast!"

"Let's have the greatest first summer together." I raise my cup and he clinks his to mine, beaming. We both drink and then I kiss him to lick the sweet alcoholic beverage from his lips.

"If you think about it, technically this is going to be our second summer." he ponders, looking at his glass. Ι can't help, but laugh at his comment.

"So it will be our anniversary?"

"We haven't had elevator sex yet." His eyes sparkle full of temptation and desire. He leans, grabs me by the waist bringing me closer to taste my lips once again.

"That's enticing!" I smile, licking my lips.

"So now it's not a public place?" Ouch! He really did go there.

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