Chapter 72

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Additional Cast:

 Nick Zano as Alex Summers  

Margot Robbie as Susan 

Sophie's POV


I could see the hurt in her eyes the moment I finished my sentence, but my anger and fear got the best of me, and I just couldn't stop. She left and I don't blame her... I would have left too. I hear Joss's voice, offering her to drive her home and then the door shut, letting silence fill the room, as I stand still in my room replaying the scene over and over again in my head. I am not a person that can deal with emotions logically, not like she does, I am more blatant and forward, acting first and think later.. more like destroying first and think later... So now is the time that my head cooperates.. better late than never, right?

But first things first... I will pull probably the lamest move ever and call my mother to find out if my little brother outed her... Kudos for being brave, Soph... I am such a fucking coward.

I grab my phone and call my mother and as the conversation progresses, with me trembling uncontrollably, waiting for her to ask me about Robin, the only thing I get is how amazing Robin was and how much fun Ben had with her and that Robin is invited for a Sunday dinner soon, and I laugh at myself once again because they could tell what an amazing person she is, while I acted like that. As the phone call ends and my fear subsides, my brain allows me now to feel the long due hurt and the feeling breaks me. I have never felt like that before.. so helpless... I have no idea how to describe what I feel, I just know what I feel and that, to put it simply, is lost.

I don't know how much time has passed when I hear the door open, signaling Joss' return. I take a deep breath, wondering how to proceed with things when my door opens abruptly.

I raise my head and I see Joss standing at the doorstep giving me a judgemental look. "You know you acted like a bitch, right?" he says not moving and arms crossed. But he is being honest and that's what I need to hear right now.

"I know... I complicate things." I murmur but I know he heard me.

"But you still don't do anything about it" he says and I think his eyes will open a hole through my head.

"Like what? Tell my parents?You know I can't do that right now, Joss!" I raise my voice getting up and start pacing the room.

"I didn't tell you that! But don't diminish her! She's your girlfriend and she needs to know that you're not ashamed of her!" he yells, coming towards me, and his words hit me hard.

"That's what she thinks?" I ask afraid of his answer.. he stops and stays silent for a few moments, and then, clearly less judgmental he gives me his answer.

"I believe it would be better to have a conversation with her. She's no psychic to know what's happening in this head of yours, so tell her what's bothering you and why you acted like that. She's not Yoda to know everything that's going on in the galaxy." He smirks approaching me again and then puts his hands on my shoulder, while lowering himself so his face is on the same level as mine.

"You will never be serious, will you?" I say giving him a momentary smile. He is such a guy sometimes!

"Not even in a thousand years." He says and then he smiles as he puts his arms around me, closing me in a tender hug. "The psychological support and advice cost the laundry and the dishwashing of the month." I laugh squeezing him back. We stay like that for a while while thoughts race through my mind like crazy. I raise my head and look at him.

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