Chapter 24

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Additional Cast:

Jessica Parker Kennedy as Sam Harris

Dominique Provost as Nicky Cooper

Eliza Taylor as Eliza T- Cotter

Grey Damon as Ashton Sanders

Sophie's POV

Joss and I arrived precisely at 6:00. I spoke with Robin on the phone (texted actually) and she is waiting for me at the Youth center's stand.

The event is taking place at a big square right across the city hall, and as Robin said, this is also the spot the SC Pride parade begins from.

It is certainly not what I expected to be honest. The bold black 'Join the fight' slogan at the leaflet gave me an intense vibe, so I thought it would be something like those marches people organize when they want to complain, you know, rallies, angry crowd, police ready to act. That kind of stuff.

What I am seeing right now, is not what I had imagined.

First off, there is color everywhere! The rainbow flags are pretty much suffocating the place. There are flags on the cars, on the near buildings, people wear them, carry them, waving them. Flags everywhere!

Secondly, it looks like a fair, where there are stands in a line and people buy things related to the event.

Thirdly, there is a huge stage at the center of the square, now empty, but there is a guy up there checking the instruments, so I guess something is coming up.

And lastly, people are neither angry nor aggressive. They are cheerful and relaxed and I now see I was misled by the intimidating leaflet. This is a celebration. Nothing more, nothing less. People have gathered here to celebrate. I see kids running around, for Christ's sake!

We reach the first stand, which is a magazine's stand. Local magazine for the lgbt community here. Next is a stand that gives info about all kinds of help. Like suicide lines, counselling lines etc. After three more stands that sell t-shirts and stamps, we reach Robin's youth center stand. She is busy talking with another person, informing them about the center's action, I suppose. She is wearing black tight ripped jeans, red vans, a dark blue cardigan and a grey beanie. Her hair is straight and she wears a dark pink lipstick.

In my mind, homosexual girls do not look like this. She looks way more girly than I do, but I guess appearance doesn't count...I read about it online. Apparently there are categories, lesbians get divided to. Femme, butch, lipstick something....I don't know. I should talk to Robin about it and ask her what she is. I also read about a gaydar, which makes no sense but I wonder if Robin's got it.

The point is that Robin looks in her element here. Talking with fervor and passion. Next to her is a woman around late 20's I guess. She looks like she is in charge somehow. She is blonde with light curls and bright blue eyes, just like Robin's. I tried to categorize Robin's eyes last night, for the name of science of course. There is a huge variety for blue eyes and it is an info I would like to know, like, Ben's eyes are called baby blue, mine are light emerald, moms' are see blue and dads' are amber.

I zoom in again, when I hear Robin speak.

"Hey Eliza, I'll be over there, it won't take long." She says to the blonde girl and comes our way.

"Hey guys, glad you could make it." She greets us. She hugs Joss and then she turns to me with a smile and her hand reaches my shoulder. "Hey Sophie."

"Hey, Robin, glad to be here." I say and she smiles at me with a radiant smile.

"Hey Ro! You guys set a really nice gathering!" Joss says gazing the place.

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