Chapter 12

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Additional Cast:

Frances Fisher as Abigail Fitzgerald

Alice's POV

We both turn around to see Ms.Fitzgerald , piercing her eyes at us full of anger.

"Where do you think you are? This is not a sports arena, you Hooligans" I thought her eyes would break her glasses' glass.

"We are... are..." I mumble. This chucklehead took me off my limits again and I forgot that I was in a library, with a Cerberus as a guard.

"Save your sorries, little lady." she says in a sharp voice. "This is a library and you should respect the place and the others who require silence to study." Her movements are stiff and her voice is taut.

"We just had a small disagreement. That's all! It won't happen again" Joseph says using a bit of flirt in his voice. Seriously? This guy has no boundaries.

"I don't care what was the case. I demand the rules to be followed." She pushes her glasses on her nose. "Now leave, but I won't be so tolerant with you the next time that happens" she warns us with a strict voice.

As I pack my books in my bag and Joseph takes his laptop and his jacket from the back of the chair I give him a What-about-our-broken-problem look as I point with my eyes the computer behind him.

Thank God he's not as stupid as I think he is, since he catches the meaning and he answers me with a Play-the-fool look as he gestures that we should leave.

As we are about to do that, a strange sound comes from the computer.

Ms. Fitzgerald of course listened to that (She has the eyes and ears of an eagle) and went to see the source of the sound.

"What did you do? Not only you disturb, but you destroy public property as well." she shouts. "I won't allow it! You will have to pay for the damage!"

Oh my God! What am I going to do? I can't afford that on my own and I definitely won't ask money from dad. It's humiliating.

"There is no need to be hasty" Joseph chimes in. "I can fix it! Just give me 20 minutes and it will be as good as new." he reassures her.

He's so sure of himself. Is he that certain he's going to fix it? He offered without blinking. That guy really has confidence in his skills. I should say I admire that. Stop Alice you can't admire anything on him. He's the reason you got here in the first place.

Ms. Fitzgerald looks at him in disbelief. "And what makes you think, I am going to allow you to touch what you've just destroyed?"

"Because you have nothing to lose. It's already broken down." he asserts.

He didn't blame me for the damage, as he could have done. I should say I didn't expect that from him. I assumed that he would have given me away, in order to get off with it. But he didn't! His actions don't have any logic with the kind of person I think he is. That can drive me crazy.

"Fine! I'll let you do it. I stay here to supervise you. Miss, you will stay put as well" She had to be a general in her youth I suppose by the way she bosses us around like that.

After 15 minutes Joseph is done and surprisingly the computer works just fine. He stands up with his arrogant smile pinned on his face and he winks at Ms. Fitzgerald.

"It's done, sooner than I promised."

God he's so arrogant, but I have to admit his skills just saved our asses.

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