Chapter 4

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Additional Cast:

Evangeline Lilly as Phoebe Combs

 Joshua Jackson as Steven Adams

Thomas Gibson as Stephen Reynolds

Vanessa's POV

So today is the first day of the rest of my life and...I'M LATE! What? I had put on the alarm last night at least 3 hours earlier and now it's almost 10. I quickly get out of my bed and rush at the door.

"Mom, we're late!" I yell.

"Purposely, sweetheart. There's no need to worry, your train doesn't leave until noon, you have already packed your suitcase and I thought you could use some extra sleep so I turned off your alarm." Of course she did. I exhale. "You should relax, I can't believe this is going to be our last morning together for a while." My mom says and approaches me for a hug.

"Mom, come on. I'm gonna be only 3 hours away." I say and return the hug.

"Are you two already crying?" I hear my dad's voice from downstairs. "I can't promise I'll resist for long to these delicious pancakes staring at me!"

"Your dad is unbelievable! Take your time and get ready. I'll go make him behave." My mom tells me and rushes to the stairs to go to the kitchen.

God, I'm gonna be so homesick. I never get enough of these two laughing and teasing each other. So many people thought my parents won't make it. They've been together since high school and when my mom went to college and my dad stayed back home, it seemed like the end to everyone outside. But they kept going. Then my mom got pregnant and everyone anticipated she won't keep the baby or stay with the "young lad with no future". But my parents proved them wrong. My dad worked more than hard to make sure we had everything. He's been extra supporting to my mom, even exclusively baby-sitting me on my first years so my mom could get her degree. And she did. Now she's a vet, my dad has his own garage and they keep their love as strong as day one.

I can honestly say we're a happy family and I've been a happy child. We always get along just fine and I always had everything I needed. That's the reason why I wanted them to be proud of me so I always did my best at school and I was a really good student. So good that I even was the valedictorian, something that bothered a few but that's another story. Today is a new beginning for me and everything will be fine. Actually, more than fine. I just got to ensure my college life has a good start. As I'm almost ready, I take a quick glimpse at the stuff I got packed yesterday to check I haven't forgotten anything special. My laptop, my suitcase, my backpack full of my favorite books and my guitar. My mom insisted all of these are too much for me to carry on my own but I can't leave anything behind. I want to make my dorm room feel like home the moment I get there. New state, new life, new people. It will definitely take me time to adjust but it will be okay. I know it will.

I grab the necklace Emma got me. No doubt, I need it to keep her close to me and get enough confidence to make it through this big day. Emma is going to be another person I will be missing constantly. She's been my best friend since I can remember myself and now she's going to make her dreams come true, starting by travelling all over the world. Europe is her first stop. Sometimes I wish I was as determined and confident as she is, not afraid to get out of my cell and try new things, but I guess that's just not me.

"Vanessa, are you ready honey?" My mom's voice brings me back to reality. I grab my blue jacket. Jeans, blue t-shirt and my sneakers. I obviously didn't put much effort but I need to be comfortable in my 3 hour train ride. I get downstairs and find my parents waiting for me into the kitchen, breakfast untouched.

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