Chapter 77

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Additional Cast:

Emily Bett Rickards as Emma Taylor 

Dulce Maria as  Nina Andrews

 Ansel Elgort as Matt Foster

 Booboo Stewart as Grant Simmons

Alice's POV

Today was a great day. That's the thought with which I am getting into the bathtub to take a refresh bath and remove the sand from my body. The sun was shining strong, thus we spent the whole day at the beach swimming, drinking, talking and dancing by the beach bar's music. I feel too excited and energetic and the source of this enthusiasm is no one other than Joseph.

I still can't believe everything that happened last night. I still think I am dreaming and that I will wake up from time to time. Joseph confessed he has feelings for me and in addition to that he said that he wants to be with me. Is this for real? How can't this lighten my mood and make me super happy? I hardly slept last night, from the excitement, and today I had a stupid smile pinned on my face. I feel like dancing a crazy dance. My heart sure does.

On the minus side, the agreement I made with Joseph didn't let us express ourselves among the others today. We found a bit of time to isolate ourselves at the beach, but it wasn't enough. We both want more and we get greedy.I still feel his fleshy lips and his touch on my skin and his kisses are so damn good. God, it was just a while ago, but I miss him and his kisses so badly. I thought the cold water would help, but it's useless.

Plus, I need to mention that Grant is taking on my nerves. He couldn't stop showing chick after chick in their swimsuits to Joseph all the time and waiting for him to get some action. It was super irritating to the point that I wanted to drown him in the sea. I understand it is not his fault, because he is unaware of me and Joseph, but still, it's bagging me and let's be honest hitting on women was Joseph's old habit and Grant was pitching to him all these temptations. Fortunately Joseph managed to leave Grant do his thing with Nathan, without raising too many suspicions, and when it was just the two of us, he said that I am his choice, to which he's sticking to, no matter what. That made my heart melt, something I have never felt before. How could I resist to him after that.. so the make out session started.

Why am I thinking about this again? It turns me on and I want Joseph right here, right now.

Thankfully the bath was really relaxing and it cooled me from the hot Miami sun and my desire for Joseph, somehow. I wrap a towel around my wet body and I start drying my hair.

The house's bathroom is not very big, but it's quite convenient. It's in blue and white colours, with a huge bathtub, that's why I laid down in there for quite some time. There is a basin next to it, that has enough space to put my beauty and bathroom stuff. A huge mirror is pinned on the wall in front of the basin. I guess the Nelsons like to watch the reflections of themselves HD, especially Joseph. This makes me chuckle.

At that time, the bathroom's door opens and as I am about to protest and send the intruder by flying outside, I hold my horses. The intruder is no one else than Joseph. He's wearing a tracksuit and an aqua T-shirt. My eyes widen the moment I see him. He's so handsome as his hazel blue eyes scan me and the way he bites his lip.

"That's what I call a breathtaking sight! Well, the towel covers the best parts, but still you're an absolute pleasure to the eye." Joseph murmurs in a husky voice.

His words make my whole body shiver. How does he manage that?

"What are you doing here?" I ask moving my hands in the air.

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