Chapter 63

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Additional Cast:

Grey Damon as Ashton Sanders

Booboo Stewart as Grant Simmons

Toru Uchikado as Ren Kurosawa

Alice's POV

Everything's set to celebrate my 19th birthday. Vanessa did a wonderful job, helping me organize this party. I would be lost without her, since she manages to do everything under schedule, while I am a last minute person. The common room is decorated with some party stuff, but nothing too extreme. Vanessa wanted to buy everything related to party at the store, but I gave her many eyerolls, saying it was not my style. Thank God Nina didn't join us. I don't know if I would be able to win this war.

The common room is quite big for a party and I invited many people from campus. Classmates, people I met at the gym, at parties etc. Me and Vanessa made a buffet with drinks and we bought pizza and chips for the guests. Vanessa also ordered my birthday cake from Chloe, the girl who can do magic with chocolate and she also hinted, that a surprise is waiting for me. I can't wait to find out.

The first guests start to make their entrance. I have to say they are quite punctual. It took quite some time for me and Vanessa to get ready and thankfully, we weren't late. I wanted to look really elegant and hot tonight, since it's my day. I put on my new blue dress, that I bought with Vanessa. It's strapless, it hugs my waist perfectly and becomes airy on the thighs. It has lace at the end and it's just above the knees. Sweet and sexy! I chose my favourite black high heeled booties with lace as shoes, a beautiful necklace and my usual bracelets, that I never take out, as accessories. My light brown hair is falling on perfect loose curls until my chest.

As I am greeting a guest after another, I see Joseph and Sophie entering the room. Joseph is wearing black trousers, a blue shirt and a black jacket. His hair is like always messy intended, but I think he has taken care of it more than usual. His bangs fall perfectly on his forehead without hiding his hazel eyes with blue touches, which are being pointed out by his shirt colour. He's marvelous and I can't take my eyes off of him. He's walking with confidence, always sure about every step he takes and his carefree style is always present. I am gawking like hypnotized, until he arrives in front of me.

"Happy birthday Alice!" he flashes me one of his beautiful smiles and I hadn't realized that I was biting my lip. He leans closer and gives me a kiss on my cheek. His lips burn the area they touched and my heart goes to 200 beats per seconds, just like that.

"Thanks Joseph!" I flash a smile to him as well, and I think he's checking me out from head to toe.

"Hello Alice, Happy 19th birthday!" Sophie smiles next to him, but then approaches me for a hug, which I gladly accept. I haven't noticed Sophie, until she spoke to me. Joseph had my eyes captivated. She's wearing black skinny jeans, a black button up, and a pair of high heels.

"Thank you Sophie!" I grin at her. "I am so glad you both made it!" I look once at Sophie and then, at Joseph.

"There was no way to miss this. Not to mention, your wish is fulfilled now!" Joseph looks at me, with a playful attitude and I eyeroll. He just can't resist, can he?

"Yes, thank you for inviting us, Alice! Here is your present." Sophie says and hands me over a bag.

"Thanks a lot!" I take the bag, beaming at both of them. I kind of expected Joseph to stretch his hand, and give me something as well, but he doesn't. I guess this present is from both of them. I try to hide my disappointment. I don't know why I expected with such anticipation, Joseph's gift. I feel so stupid right now. What's more natural for him and his bff to share the expenses, in order to buy me a nice and apparently, expensive gift.

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