Chapter 71

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Additional Cast:

Emily Bett Rickards as Emma Taylor

Rebecca Romijn as Rebecca Marie Ford

Timothy Olyphant as Nicholas Ford

Nolan Gross as Benjamin Gerrard Ford

Sophie's POV

When my class ended, I was feeling so tired and sleep-deprived I could barely stand. I was up studying all night super stressed for today's test, which I nailed, thank you very much! But I am soooo tired. All I want right now is to sleep and cuddle with Ro, so I pick up my phone and call her.

"Hey pretty girl". Ro always speaks first even when I'm the one calling her, which I will admit, find so cute!

"Hi babe! Where are you?" I can hear voices along with hers.

"With Sam, we have a documentary to film about the homeless, so we are hitting the streets to find locations! Oh, how was the test? Did you nail it?" She sounds out of breath.

"Yeah I pretty much did." I say proud of myself.

"Oh, my girlfriend is so smart! I feel so lucky, babe! I can be the trophy wife for you when you become rich and famous." She is being a dork, a supportive dork, but still a dork.

"Shut up, you dork! Is it gonna take long? I wanted to cuddle today. I missed you". I kinda hate it when she makes me sound needy.

"Hold on a sec, babe!" There is a pause but I can hear her talking to Sam and some other faint noise... where are they exactly?

"Sorry pretty girl, but we have found an old yard with a lot of street people, so now we are intervening them... It's gonna take a while..."

"It's ok, babe, I'll probably go home and take a nap." I lie because I really wanted her with me, but I know she is busy and I don't want to make her feel bad.

"Ok pretty girl, I'm sorry we can't cuddle. I will call you tonight."

"Yeah, sure. Have fun! Tell Sam I say hi!" She ends the call and I hate it. I wanted my Ro cuddles, damn it. I don't want to feel jealous or anything, but I wish she could ditch Sam and come home to me. Soph, stop being clingy!

When I get home I make some lunch for Joss and I and after a 30' hot bath I am all warm and cozy in my bed. It doesn't take long for me to doze off after that. Next thing I feel her arms hugging me from behind, spooning me. I don't have to turn to know that it's Ro. Her mango shampoo fills my nostrils and my skin feels warm along with my heart. She doesn't say anything and I close my eyes to fall back to sleep, feeling her breathing heavily as well.

I wake up again when I hear TV sounds from the living room, which means Joss is home and in my sleepy state I smile. It's nice to know that you are surrounded by people you love and love you back, and at this moment I feel content.

I wake up for good when I feel Ro peppering kisses and squeezing me with all her might.

"Ro, you are suffocating me!" I mumble and she responds with more kisses.

"Wakie wakie, sugar mamma! How was your beauty sleep?" She giggles next to my ear and my heart races. I love her laugh and her giggles.

"Mmmmm good, got better when you got here. Thought you had work to do". For some reason I keep mumbling.

"We do, but I could feel you pouting through the phone, so we called it a day. Sam was not happy, and called me whipped, but you totes deserve the humiliation."

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