Chapter 22

186 17 215


Addtional Cast:

 Nick Zano as Alex Summers  

 Jessica Parker Kennedy as Sam Harris

Sophie's POV

It's been an awful weekend for me. After the 'Jonessa' intervention, I made my decision, which is the following: I, Sophie Lillian Ford, will apologize to Robin (I will have to learn her last name at some point).Yes, that's the plan. Spot her at class, sit next to her, give her my signature smile and apologize. Solid plan, I know!

As I enter the classroom, I spot her immediately (blond hair and it natural?) and tentatively approach the row she is sitting at. She is staring at the board, not bothering turning to face me, but I can tell she saw me because she looks rather stiff and on edge. I clear my throat to get her to look at me, and ask as sweetly as possible.

"Good morning... may I sit?" I wait for a few seconds, but no reply. Hmm... Well, I will sit down anyway. I make myself comfortable in my seat and take my notes out.... this is so awkward.... ok, one more try....

I pat her shoulder this time- she can't ignore that, can she? Right on cue, her head turns slowly, and I sigh relieved. Her blue eyes strike me first (I don't think I had noticed how blue they were before) but then also her clenched jaw.

"What?" She is angry. That, I can recognise.

"Listen, umm, I would like to apologize for what happened." I kinda mumble... "I was a jerk, and what I said was uncalled for." I play with my fingers, which means I am nervous.... "I am sorry, truly... and..... thank you for taking care of me... I.... I appreciate it." I lower my head, and wait for her reaction. She keeps looking at me for a while, but still nothing...

Damn girl use your mouth!

I speak more aggressively this time though. "Look, I know I was horrible, but I am apologizing here! I would like an answer you know!" ...ok Soph, don't lose it! "Can I at least buy you a coffee to get us even?" ...oohhh come on, stop being difficult!

"Is it gonna be poisoned?" She barks, narrowing her eyes.

Out of all the things she could have said, that's her answer?

"If you have an agenda to eliminate the gays, I would prefer to die as peaceful as possible, so poison would be nice." She says bitterly, mocking me in my face.

"Ha ha, no that's not my agenda, and can you keep your voice down? People are gonna think I am a KKK member! Which is not true, ok? I know I might have come off as not accepting or something, but I am not a racist or anything!" I try to explain myself since I know I gave the wrong idea.

"Then, what are you?" She asks, somehow interested in my answer. Her arms cross on her chest and her head tilts.

"I... I don't know to be honest.... I am just not familiar with the issue and I am just not comfortable with strangers." And I am being honest...

"Exactly, you don't know. But you decided to be offensive and bitchy anyway... look, the professor just got here... so can we end this? I don't know you, and you don't know me... let's call it quits, ok?" She turns her attention to the board again taking notes as the professor starts his lecture.

"What if I want to get to know you?" I am quick to reply.

Wow, what? I said that out loud?

"I mean, let me buy you a coffee, please, I really feel awful about how I reacted." Nice save Soph!

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