Chapter Three

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Frank P.O.V

I loved watching Gerard work. I adored how evil and how merciless he could be- knowing that he was the complete opposite to me. I sat on the floor next to his throne, waiting for people to be brought into the room. His throne was the same dark marble that the house was made from, except it had beautiful carvings coated in silver. Each carving was a representation of a ruler of Hell. Gerard's father, the latest carving, was the one nearest to me. It was a serpent, it's forked tongue had a Latin inscription- et ultra non commovebitur- and he shall not be moved. Gerard's hand reached down to stroke my cheek. He was bored, I knew that for sure. But, he loved to decide people's fates. He loved to punish, and he loved to drive fear into the hearts of others. The door to the room opened, a gust of warm air filled the air, not to mention the large amount of black smoke.

"What've you got for me this time, Paine?" Gerard asked, his hand moving away from my head. He leaned forwards, his hands in a gun shape as he concentrated on the two people appearing in front of us. A man and a woman, they both looked dirty, terrified.

"A Mr James and a Miss Smith." Paine (Pride) said, his bright smile commendable. His hair was a dark brown, almost the same colour than mine, his eyes the same colour. He was proud of himself, but he was one of Gerard's seven main henchmen. Gerard raised an eyebrow, looking down at the two people. They didn't seem to be pleased by their fate, in fact they looked angry. Mostly at each other.

"And, what can I do for you two?" He said, looking down at them. His tone was patronising, but it made it clear to the future husband and wife duo in front of us that Gerard (Satan) was not somebody to mess with. His time definitely wasn't designed to be wasted. The woman's mouth opened, but closed again. Gerard was tapping his hand on his thigh, I could tell that he was growing more and more impatient as the seconds ticked by. "Today, would be nice." He hissed, staring into the eyes of the man, who looked slightly scared.

"We-uh. God I didn't think that this would work. We- we need money. Lots of it. We're broke. We have a wedding, we have drugs to buy." The man said quickly, his eyes pleading Gerard to do something about his situation. I watched Gerard roll his eyes, covering his face with his hands.

"There is no God here sir. Number one, Mr James, how do I know that you'll use this 'money' that I could give you wisely. How do I know if the story that you're telling me is the truth?" He asked, his voice was firm. There was no crossing Gerard, ever since we had gotten to Hell, he could smell a liar from miles away.

"I'm pregnant." The woman offered weakly, Gerard's attention snapped to her. He cocked his head to the side, squinting at her. He never usually cared for the sob stories of the people that wanted his help, but when it came to the pregnant beggars, he always got mad.

"Number two," his voice was wicked again, I smiled, getting a little excited. I knew what he was about to say was going to shock the couple in front of us. "I do not like liars, Mr James. Sure, you can marry the drug addict that claims to be carrying a baby- who's not, by the way- because I can't hear another heartbeat in this room other than your two," He stood up, walking over to the pair. He picked them up by the chin, holding them in mid-air. "Next time you need money for drugs, do not summon me, or one of my sins. Am I understood?" He said menacingly, every syllable in each word crackling like wood in a blazing fire.

The pair nodded, he dropped them to the floor, they landed on the ground. Paine looked at Gerard, who nodded, allowing Paine to take them back up top.

"Paine?" Gerard called to Paine as he was about take the liars away. He looked up, ready to listen to whatever demand Gerard had for him next. "Bring back whatever book they used to summon you, will you?" He waved his hand at Paine, who nodded with a sincere furrowed brow. He disappeared with the soon to be husband and wife in a cloud of smoke, just as he had appeared with them. Gerard turned on his heel, he was pouting at me.

"What?" I asked with a smile, watching him return to his fancy chair. He sighed as he dropped down into it, his hand reaching down towards me for his fingers to curl around locks of my hair. I leaned into his hand, appreciating the limited amount of affection that he was offering me.

"I hate liars Frankie. I really do. I also hate people that summon my most important workers. They're irritating, and all they ever want is money or a bigger dick so that the ladies and gents will swoon over them." He sighed, covering his face with his free hand. There was another cloud of dark smoke appeared in the room, Paine was back. He was smiling brightly, an old and bound book in his hand.

"A gift from me to you." Paine said sarcastically, dropping the book into Gerard's lap. Gerard chuckled, thanking him. He disappeared again, Gerard handed the book to me.

"Something to occupy your time. You might find your picture in there, next to mine. They change with each ruler." He said, I heard him yawn. I took the book from him, slightly excited by the prospect of seeing my face somewhere special.
Song Of The Chapter- Lithium by Nirvana(banana)

I have such a good plot for this story like I never thought that I could do it ;)

Lemme know what you think?? Don't forget to vote because it helps me out a lot :3

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