Chapter Twelve

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Gerard P.O.V

I liked how he was reluctant to leave my side, even when offered to see his parents for the first time in twelve short years. I smiled inside, as I was pretending to be asleep. I was enjoying eavesdropping, especially since Frank was gently stroking my head.

"Remember Anna?" His sister asked, I heard the cogs in Frank's brain turn. I could've sworn that she was some mentally lost girl that he used to hang around with. I'm sure that she was nice, and that she cared for Frank to a degree, but she wasn't incredibly important to the both of us. She bored me, I hadn't even talked to her but my God she could talk to save her boring little life.

"Uh, yeah. I used to hang around with her- I think. I don't really remember much, if I'm really honest." He said, I felt his shoulders shrug. Lucia let out some awkward, obnoxious laugh. Frank smiled, I knew that because no sound came from his pretty little mouth.

"Well, she got pregnant just after you left. To some popular guy- who's name I forget now- and they got married not long after their baby was born. They have like, five kids now." She said with another obnoxious little laugh. Frank still had an awkward smile plastered across his face, as once again he made no noise. None at all. This was as painful to listen to as it would've been to witness. I opened an eye, staring at her.

"Are you awake Gee?" Frank asked, I turned on my back so that I was looking up at him. I wanted to grab his face and pull him down to my lips, but I knew that that would have to wait until his sister left. I could feel her somewhat evil eyes bearing into my skull. I pouted, he stroked my cheek.

"I'm awake." I said, putting on a fake sleepy growl, nuzzling into his hand. Anna rolled her eyes, probably in disgust. She knew that I had been faking sleep, I could tell by her aura. All that I wanted was to be alone with Frank, if we were going to be spending more time with the humans that lived here, I wanted to make the most of this house. To be honest, the main reason why I wanted Lucia to leave us was because I wanted sex. I wanted his pretty little lips wrapped around my dick, his eyes staring up at me. I had to think of other things to stop me from picking him up, and carrying him up to my old bedroom.

"Well, Frankie, if you change your mind about wanting to see mom and dad- alone, then we're at the same house, on the same street." She smiled awkwardly, getting up from her chair. Frank lifted my head from his legs to wrap her in a warm embrace. He patted her back, before leading her to the door, insisting that he would see his parents sooner or later. She giggled, before the door closed. I smiled, lying down on my back, arms behind my head. I grinned, happy with the fact that we were finally alone. There was something about her that screamed dodgy. My face twitched as the front door closed, and Frank jogged into the room. He straddled my torso, looking down at me.

"You know, there's something odd about your sister. Not the fact that she's a goth, I don't get why she hates me so much, when I make you so happy." I pouted, he copied me. I let out a deep sigh, as he adjusted himself so that his head was resting on my chest. His hair tickled my nose, I brushed his fringe out of his face so that I could see it properly.

"She probably doesn't hate you in general, she'll just hate you because you took me away from her. I still love you though." He giggled at the end of his sentence, I squeezed him. "We need to figure out a way of getting that book back. I love being up top as much as the next man, but I really want to go back home." He whined, I squeezed him a little harder.

"I know baby, I hate it up here. I hate not being able to mope around in my chair, not being able to fuck you whenever and wherever I like," I said, my hands moving down to his ass, he squirmed, "How are we gonna get my book back? I've not even thought of anything and I've run out of ideas." I sighed, staring at the ceiling. Frank sighed too, sitting up, I took my hands from out of his pants. I moved my gaze to his eyes, to see a huge smile spread across his face. "What?" I chuckled, admiring how beautiful he was.

"I could always weasel my way back into the family, you know, we could pretend to fall out or something. You could pretend to kick me out, and I could pretend to need somewhere to stay." He said with a raised eyebrow, I smiled brightly.

"Baby, you're so smart. When she's not looking, you could steal the book back and I can send us back to Hell." I said excitedly, sitting up. He wrapped his legs around my waist, his arms around my neck. I kissed him, his lips as soft as ever. My tongue forced its way into his warm mouth, he let out a satisfied moan as I gently laid him down.
Song Of The Chapter- Arabella by Arctic Monkeys

I'm running out of things to say because my life is definitely not interesting at all, neither are my stories but hey people like them XD

Don't forget to comment and vote because it really helps me out ;)

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