Chapter Nine

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Frank P.O.V

I sleepily prised one of my eyes open, Gerard's legs were wrapped around my torso- he probably thought that I was going to run away. Something about the room felt odd, like something had changed. I tried to sit up, to no avail as Gerard had pulled me closer to him. He was still quite asleep, his arm snaking up so that it was cupping my ear. I rolled my eyes, deciding that it was useless to try and investigate. I nuzzled into his arm, watching him smile in his sleep. I managed to pull an arm out from between us, wrapping it around his neck. I loved it when he held me close to him, it felt like he was never going to let me go. I smiled, slowly falling back to sleep.

I awoke to Gerard nibbling my arm. He was awake. I smiled, looking up at him. His bedhead was too attractive, his eyes still full of sleep. He turned me so that I was lying on my back, so that he could lie on top of me. My fingers wrapped around locks of his messy hair. He squeezed me, probably going back to sleep again.

"Gee, the room feels weird." I finally said, looking around me. I couldn't see much, the only light in the room was coming from outside. I heard him sigh, his hand making it's way up to my mouth to shush me. He made a growling noise, but I couldn't. There was something wrong with the room, our home felt different. I felt like I was in a different place, but I could quite put my finger on where. "Gee." I whined, moving his hand from my mouth, shaking him.

"Frankie. We're home. There's fire outside, it's cold on the inside." He slurred, still slightly asleep. I whined again, shaking him. He growled again, gripping me tightly. "Frank Iero, if you don't stop shaking me I'm going to bite you." He threatened- I couldn't help but get a little turned on. My neck was a little sore from the night before, but I didn't care. I loved the way it made me feel when he nibbled my skin, how he made droplets of my blood seep through tiny little bite marks. I smiled, knowing what I wanted. I shook him again, his hand shot up to pin my wrist to the bed. He knelt over me, pinning my other arm above my head. I pouted at him playfully, giggling to myself.

He smiled menacingly, staring into my eyes. I loved the way he looked so animalistic when he got going. He pressed his forehead against mine, as I explored his eyes in the limited light that was filling the room. My eyes implored him to tease my neck, but his were now suddenly elsewhere. He was examining the room- which would've been better if he had switched on a light. He frowned, finally sensing that there was something wrong. He rolled off me, throwing his legs over the side of the bed. He edged towards the window, fumbling through the darkness. His hands collided with the blinds, searching for the chord. Pulling the chord, the cast the room into an almost unbeatable brightness. He didn't make a sound- something was wrong.

"Gee, what's wrong?" I asked, my reply was a complete and utter silence. I frowned, not appreciating his lack of an answer. He looked- angry wasn't a strong enough word. I put a hand on his shoulder, squinting due to the brightness of the light.

"How the fuck are we back here?" He growled menacingly, his hand on the pane of glass. His hand curled into a fist. My eyes were still adjusting to the almost blinding light, but then I new. I knew why he was angry.

We were back where we started. The dark, cold house on Earth. I was just as confused as he was. Maybe even a little angry. How did we end up here? Hell was my home, my safe place- and now I was back to the world that brought me up to be weak, and depressed. I cocked my head to the side, trying to see if anything was different about the view. Anything or anybody out of place. But there was nothing- which was just as frustrating.

"I-I don't know." I admitted, every single possibility had already been ruled out in my head. I just didn't know what to do, what to say, or what to think.

"Somebody's found my book..." He said, he seemed distracted by something. Or someone. That someone was standing at the end of the large driveway. A girl of god knows how old, dressed in all black. He told me to put clothes on, and as the obedient boyfriend that I was, I did as I was told. He took me by the arm, leading me down the familiar, creaking stairs. The walls were the same, the smell was the same. I found myself smiling, admiring how little the place had changed in our absence- what did I expect, it had only been twelve days. Gerard twisted the handle on the front door, it creaked as if there was an orchestra inside the old wooden frame.
"Hey!" He called out, trying not to get too angry. The mysterious girl standing at the end of the driveway couldn't have been the person that had brought us back here...

Could she?
Song Of The Chapter- Candy Says by The Velvet Underground

So so so so so so many apologies for not updating in like WEEEEEKS!!! I'm already getting towards the start of real exams- 14 weeks away to be exact -_- and I'm already feeling the pressure. I've been accepted into the school that I want to go to, and I've got my four A-Level subjects (Yes, that's rare for somebody to take four A-Levels and not drop one) so life is only gonna get busier and better
(Sorry for the random, optimistic rant XD)

Lemme know what you think? Who do we think little miss suspicious is at the end of the driveway?? Don't forget to vote as well because it really helps me out ;) ;)

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