Chapter Thirty-One

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Frank P.O.V

We stood together, side by side, looking up at the house where everything began. My love for him, his obsession for me, our little vacation back on earth. I felt like I was one-hundred percent stronger than I had ever been, and my sister was safe, at home. I hoped that she'd forgotten that she had ever summoned my boyfriend here. Gerard groped the air to find my hand, curling his pale fingers around mine.
"She won't remember, will she?" I asked, looking at him from the corner of my eye.

"Nope." He said, popping his lips to the 'p' sound.

"Good," I said, turning to him, looking him in the eye, "Take me home, please." I said, pulling him close to me. He smiled wickedly, I felt the evil bubble behind those enchanting eyes of his.

"I just want to say goodbye to Mikey, then I will. Okay?" He asked, I nodded obediently. He kissed my lips, holding my chin up with his index finger. I smiled, as he walked over to his brother. He and his girlfriend were standing in front of the house, hand in hand. Money smiled at his brother, probably for the first time in a long time. Mikey pulled him into a hug, patting his back. They held each other there for a few moments or two, before letting go.

"You'll come and visit, right?" He asked, looking slightly upset that his older brother was leaving him up top.


"Gerard." I yelled, folding my arms.

"Of course." He joked, his brother pulling him in for one last hug. Mikey's girlfriend smiled, grabbing hold of his hand as Gerard walked over to me. He held me close to him, I pressed my head to his chest. I could feel his heartbeat quickening, as black smoke appeared from every crevice around us, enveloping us into darkness. I closed my eyes, his grip on me tightening.

The air was filled with the sounds of screams, the air singed with guilt and sin. It's good to be home, I said to myself, smiling.

Gerard P.O.V

I had prepared a little gift for Frank. We had been sat in my chamber for a few hours, him reading my book, sat at my feet like an obedient little puppy. Every now and again, I would reach down to ruffle his head, earning a smile. I cracked my knuckles, clicking my fingers, two of my sins appearing from thin air. The dishevelled, singer soul of Lilith in their hands. "Frankie baby," I said, getting his attention, "I've got a gift for you." I said, leaning close to him, guiding his eyes to the sins. He frowned, looking up at me.

"What would I want with that?" He asked coldly, shooting her a dirty look. She looked as though if my sins let her go, she'd fall to the floor, smashing into a million little pieces. If there was anything that I didn't want all over my floors, was the corrupted soul of a whore.

"I thought that you'd want to pleasure of deciding what to do with her. I can't be bothered to deal with her." I shrugged, leaning back in my throne, draping my legs over the arms. I folded my arms, watching Frank stand up.

"Thanks baby." He said, standing, slowly walking over to her.

Standing in front of her, looking her up and down, he reached out to lift her chin. Her face was covered in scratches, blood trickling down her cheek. I hoped that he'd choose what he wanted to do with her sooner or later, as I'd have a hound rip her to shreds if he remained indecisive. "What to do with you, is the real question." He said, his tone menacing. I smiled, proud of the evil little shit that he had become. He walked circles around her, my sins looking straight ahead of themselves. They had been trained well, and should probably have been rewarded for their loyalties. But, I couldn't be bothered- and, they were doing their jobs.

"You could let me to." Lilith suggested in a quiet voice. Frank began to laugh, wiping his face with his hands.

"Why would I do that? So you could fuck with my little sister again? I don't think so." He said, stopping in front of her. He lifted her chin again, looking her directly in the eyes. I chewed the insides of my mouth, becoming more and more aroused by the ruthless version of him.
"What should I do?" He asked, turning to me. I raised an eyebrows, pouting, shrugging.

"It's your turn. You can pick whatever you want. She's all yours." I said, nodding my head at him. He smiled like an excited child, biting his bottom lip.

"You got a knife?" He asked, I nodded at Paine. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a long, silver knife. It looked sharper than anything I had ever seen, not completely trusting Frank with a blade almost as tall as him. Lilith's eyes widened, she looked like a deer in the headlights of oncoming traffic. "Tell me something that might make me consider sparing you." I said, raising an eyebrow. She looked towards Gerard, eyes welling up.

"Gerard, please, I love you. I made you the king, it was me! If it wasn't for me you'd still be  up there, wallowing in self-pity!" She screamed at me, I shrugged.

"Not my turn." I said coldly, Frank looking unamused.

"Not convincing enough. Enjoy purgatory." He growled, plunging the blade into her chest. She screamed loudly, black smoke pouring out of the wound in her chest.

A moment or two later, the screaming stopped, her torn clothes lying in a heap on the floor. I waved my hand at Paine and Sloth, who vanished into black smoke, leaving Frank and I alone together. He smiled, skipping over to me,  climbing into my lap. He knew that I was excited, as he rocked back and forth purposefully. "Thank you for wanting to spend the rest of eternity with my baby." I said, as he leaned forward to kiss me. His tongue explored my mouth, my hands gripped onto his hips.

I managed to peel a hand away from his beautiful body, to snap my fingers, slamming the doors shut, leaving us alone.
Song Of The Chapter- Feed The Mantaray by Slaves

I don't even think that you guys understand how much of a relief it is to me that this story is done.

So that you're all aware, I'm not part of the MCR fandom anymore, and before any of you crawl up my arse and stage a protest, I'll explain myself.
In my opinion, I'm much too old to be listening to a band that will most likely never come back. I don't want to associate with younger fans, as they are as die-hard as I used to be, and I cringe when I think of that time in my life. I was very, VERY ill when I was listening to them, and that's another time in my life that I don't ever, EVER want to go back to. Mostly because of the self-harm, the stress, the loneliness and such - no, I'm not being dramatic, I was hospitalised and now I'm trying to pull myself out of the rut I'm stuck in because I want a fucking future...

When Teach Me and There's A Boy In The Corner are completed, from me, there'll be no more frerard. I CAN'T and won't put myself through old memories, writers block that has lasted for five months, or story plots that are only attractive because they have two forty-year-old men on the front cover.

I know that most of you are good with the whole understanding thing, but please don't beg me for any more sequels or prequels or anything to do with them- because I physically and mentally can't write that anymore. I'm finally happy with the content that I'm producing, after many years of doubt and the other shite that floats in my mind.

It's taken me a whole year to finish this story, and that's not fun. I also know that nobody's really gonna read my note, but if you don't and comment any more lyrics on my stories I will legit just swear at you. I have no patience for it anymore- I'm at my wits end....

Anyway, thanks for supporting me again?

Check out You Adore Me and The Revolution because they're actually good stories that I enjoy/have enjoyed writing.

Thanks again...

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