Chapter Six

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Gerard P.O.V

The birds sang in the trees, yet I believed that there was something wrong with the scene. I looked down at my hands, two silver shackles. I was confused. I didn't understand. Why was I in chains. I began to walk, noticing that my legs were bound too. I frowned, still confused. I looked around, trying to find the culprit. But there was no one. Instead, there was just fog, and emptiness. I continued to walk, feeling slightly angry. Whoever it was would meet an untimely demise, I didn't care who they were. The unsettling feeling of 'you aren't alone Gerard' crippled me to the point that I could keep walking. I span around, staring in every direction. My eyes met with a dark shape- a dark, hooded shape. I cocked my head to the side, confused, walking towards them. Their hand was outstretched, they were either pointing at me, or they were holding something out to me.

"Why am I here, in the middle of nowhere?" I asked them, they said nothing. I wandered over to them, feeling slightly angrier. I reached out to them, pulling the hood down. My eyes were met with a slightly older image of-

I awoke from my dream, feeling slightly creeped out. I looked around, I was still in my room. In Hell. With my Frank. His bare body was intertwined with mine, his open palm next to my face. I placed my head into it, feeling the warmth of his skin. I smiled, happy to still be at home. Where both Frankie and I belonged together. He was still sleeping, and my happy thoughts dominated those from the dream. Every question was replaced by the fact that I was home- there was no need to question anything anymore. I looked down at him, moving his hair from his face. I loved to see him looking so innocent, it reminded me of how he was like up top. I stroked his forehead, sliding out from underneath him. I wanted to take a walk, to try and clear my mind.

I shoved on some clothes, wrapping a black cloak around myself. I took one look at Frank, who was still sleeping. I smiled again, closing the door quietly so that I didn't wake him. I sighed, digging my hands into my pockets. My- our home seemed oddly quiet. It was supposed to be the middle of the night, but there was no rest in Hell. I knew that my father never slept- he had been here since the dawn of the human civilisation. It was a different job to that of his father's. I looked out of the many windows as I walked, observing the chaos outside them. Fire. Hounds. Sinners. I watched as people tried to crawl back out of the pit, but were pushed back down to the bottom by the hooded guards. Everything felt surreal. I never thought that my father would expire- not through any feat of mine. He ran Hell, nothing more, nothing less. He fathered a child or two- only caring for the one that was a fully-blooded demon like him. That one being me. I had hundreds of brothers and sisters, all centuries older than myself and Mikey.

Pushing the main door open, the warm air lapped at my face. I untucked my hands from my pockets, making my way down the dark marble staircase. The grounds of our home were well-kept, all thanks to Damien and his fleet of sinner-slaves. They knew that if they appeased me they wouldn't go into the pits like the others. I decided that I would make a trip to the pits, with it being so close already. I could already smell the fear and the lies. The smelled putrid to me, as I had such a strong hatred towards them.
I stood next to a guard, he was holding a long scythe. I stared down into the pit. There were people down there, screaming, pleading, wishing that they were somewhere else.

"Any escapees?" I asked, tapping one on the shoulder. He turned to face me, he looked like Frankenstein's monster. Like his face had been stitched together clumsily.

"No sir. Not today," He smiled, revealing rotten teeth. I chuckled, turning back to face the put in front of me, "Is there anybody that you want from in there in particular?" He asked, he was obedient.

"Oh no. There's nothing worthy of my time in there." I shrugged, I could've sworn that I saw Lilith reaching at me from in the flames. "Will you push that one to the bottom?" I asked, pointing to Lilith's badly singed body.

"Sure sir. No problem." Frankenstein's guard said, shoving the long scythe into the pit. Lilith screamed, as she fell all of the way back to the bottom. Frankenstein's guard and I began to laugh, getting enjoyment out of how unnecessary that was.

"Thanks dude." I said, patting him on the back. I turned on my heel, making my way back up to the house. Having Lilith pushed further into the Earth's core made me feel a little better about having that ridiculous nightmare. The nightmare. Who was the figure? Why was I bound? The thoughts were dominant again, but I couldn't understand why. Why did I have such an odd dream, there was nobody on the earth that could possibly bind me to them. It wasn't an easy task, and I would congratulate whoever would manage to do so. My book was out there, on Earth, but it was entirely in Latin and difficult to read. I made it that way so that it was more difficult to disturb me. I couldn't be bothered to listen to somebody's ridiculous request. I rarely ever gave anybody what they wanted, unless I was ever in the mood to help them.

I sighed, jogging back up the marble steps to the main door. I decided that I needed a shower, to calm myself down (not that I was that shook up in the first place).
Song Of The Chapter- Next To You by Alicks

I'm having such a chill weekend it's so good- I'm also glad that people are really really enjoyed this story like I didn't imagine that to happen so quickly XD

Lemme know what you think?? Don't forget to vote because it helps me out a lot ;)

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