Chapter Fourteen

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Gerard P.O.V

As Frank slept, I thought. I had to get that book back. I didn't care who I had to kill, or who I had to manipulate. But I would get it back, and I would punish them for bringing me back here. I hated mortal living- it was the most tedious thing that I had ever witnessed. They woke up, ate, worked, ate then came back home to their unhappy little lives. Where was the fun? I sighed, looking over at Frank. I poked him in the cheek, one of his eyes opened lazily.


"We've got to think of a good sobstory. Lucia has to believe it- it'll ruin everything if she thinks that we're lying to her." I said with a frown, he sat up sleepily. He stretched his arms, crawling on top of me. He rested his head under my chin, I wrapped my arms around him. Even with my cold heart of stone, I knew that it would be difficult to be without him. Unless, I could figure out a way to get into his room and hide there.

"Hmm, maybe you could pretend to cheat on me with some girl?" He joked, but it was a good idea. I pulled a face at him, thinking of who else I could rope into this situation. Larentia- I would make a bargain with her, she would get to control the other sins, instead of being cheated out of it and I would be able to return to Hell. With my Frank, and my book.

"I know a good actress." I smiled, cracking my knuckles. Frank shuddered, playfully punching my arm to get me to stop. I chuckled, squeezing him tightly. He grumbled, releasing a sigh. "What?" I asked with a pout.

"I- I just don't like the thought of being away from you for so long. I think I'd find it difficult to sleep at night without you there, you know?" He said, I heard a little sniffle come from him. I frowned, holding him at arms length. His eyes looked as though they were going to burst with tears, he hung his head in shame.

"Who's to say that I won't be with you every single day? I don't want to be away from you, so I intend to sneak into your room every night. So, don't get upset. We just have to pretend that we hate each other around your sister. Okay?" I said, trying to reassure him. After all, this would only be a temporary thing. We would be back in the comfort of Hell, with its screams and extremely warm temperature in no time. Then, I could lock my book away- to prevent his sister from ever getting it again, and I would look forward to spending an even longer eternity with him. He nodded, rubbing at his eyes to stop the tears from flowing. I kissed his cheek, to let him know that everything was going to be okay. I was terrible at the old 'empathy' thing, but with Frank it was different. I loved his happiness so much that whenever he got sad, I got sad too.

"Who's this 'actress', then?" He asked, smiling through his clear emotional pain.

"Well, I was planning on making a deal with Larentia. She wants to control the rest of the sins but she was tricked out of it by Walerian. She's do anything for that power. You could say she's a power-whore." I said, Frank chuckled. His little laughs were like little symphonies to me, I loved every single one. I loved everything about him with every inch of my being. I loved his hair, especially when he didn't mess with it. It was the best when he would wake up, with little stray curls here, there and everywhere. His eyes- they were so pretty. But, most importantly- his ass. It was my favourite favourite part of his body. His skin there was so soft, and damn did it look good.

"Sounds like a good plan. Make sure that you don't cheat on me with her, she's pretty." He sighed, looking away from me.

"Hey, hey. I'll only cheat on you a little bit. Besides, she's nothing compared to you. I've seen her ass parading around my castle, it's like a pancake. That's what she gets for being so damn old." I joked, turning his head back towards me. He rolled his eyes, probably unsure as to why I was so obsessed with his body. It was an amazing body, and I would love it no matter what happened between us.

"Why thanks Gerard." He said sarcastically, before I kissed his soft lips again.

"I'm being truthful. You know that I wouldn't cheat on you. You'd be silly to even think that was a possibility. Nobody does, and ever will compare to you Frank Iero. How many times to I have to tell you this?" I asked, cupping his cheek. He stuck his tongue out at me, clearly not listening to me. "Listen to me." I said through my teeth, pretending to be angry.

"Fine. I believe you." He said.

I found myself drawing patterns on his back after a while. I knew that he was asleep, but I myself couldn't bring myself to do so. The burn in my eyes implored me to sleep, but my mind wouldn't and couldn't stop thinking. What if this plan doesn't work? I thought over and over again, trying to think of every other option that we had in regards to returning to Hell. The only other person that I could think that knew remotely anything about Hell was my amazing- fantastic-one-of-a-kind little brother.

Song Of The Chapter- Emily by Catfish and the Bottlemen

So, this chapter has taken me days to write. I've been feeling really shitty lately, and that fact that me and my dead boyfriend talk until like 1am every single day is finally taking a toll on how much I wanna sleep. But, on top of that I have all of this exam prep to do and all of this coursework to do and I just AGH!!! And all of this means that I have no interest in writing, which is bad... because I had to do a creative writing piece in my English class and I got the best mark, and I almost wanted to cry because I missed enjoying myself when I wrote )':

Well, enough of me going on about how tired I am (I know that people don't care and they just want me to keep writing, so that's what I shall do <3)

Don't forget to comment and vote because it really helps me out <3

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