Chapter Twenty-Two

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Gerard P.O.V

Contrary to popular belief, I did enjoy spending time with my brother. We were somewhat alike, and our humour was quite similar. His little darling had brought us a plate of food in, scuttling away as fast as she could. I sniggered, reaching forwards, feeling the sliminess of it between my fingers. It was a satisfying sensation, and I loved to squish the blood out of it before dropping it into my mouth. I hadn't realised that Mikey had been watching my every move, pulling a face at me.

"You're barbaric." He chuckled, sticking a fork into his piece. I rolled my eyes, chewing with my mouth open. He laughed through his nose, smacking his lips together. We were disgusting, but we were brothers. I actually didn't mind spending time with him- but it was too soon to be inviting him to my home, in Hell. That was if he could pass through the gates, behind a half-breed and all.

"You can't talk." I said with a burp, patting my stomach with my fist. He rolled his eyes, drinking from a glass beside him. Setting it down, he breathed out heavily.

"I want to come with you." He said simply, cracking his knuckles. I frowned. He wanted to help me? Was he sick? I looked at him, as if to ask that question, he nodded. I was taken aback. He never usually wanted anything to do with me, especially when it came to business from Hell. He probably didn't want to associate with stuff like that, wanting as normal a life a half-demon can have. "Yes Gerard, I think you could do with some help. Besides, I do share some of the little demon perks that you have. I am dad's kid too." He reminded me. Fair enough, I nodded. He was right, I did need some help. Frank wouldn't be able to do much, other than keep himself in his family home for as long as he could. That sister of his was a royal pain in the ass, and she enjoyed making it known to me.

"We'd have to stay at my house, I can't sneak two of us into Frank's room. That sister of his is persistent." I said, crossing my legs. He nodded, stretching his arms, yawning.

"Me and Gracie could stay at the house, and you could stay with Frank. I know that you don't like being away from him." He shrugged, it was a good enough suggestion but I didn't want them having sex in my bed. That thought made me cringe, so I shook my head.

"She'll know anyway, she's got eagle-eyes. I hate that little witch, she makes life so much difficult."

"Well, Gracie is coming whatever you decide, I can't leave her here she'd have no idea what to do with herself. Her life revolves around me," He said, standing up, wandering over to the window.

It had begun to rain, and all I could think about was being at home in my chair. Home home, not my spare house. Back in Hell, Frank at my feet, hounds by the door. Persecuting the idiots that wanted to get something from me. You could've called me a businessman, the amount of souls I got per year would definitely make me a millionaire. I sighed, scrunching up my eyes. "Okay fine, stay at my house. But, you'll use the spare room. There's no way you two are stepping foot into my room." I said in exasperated tone, listening to him giggle like an idiot whilst he stared through the window.

"You can drive, then. Don't want to make it look obvious, do we?" He said, a stupid smile spread across his face. I growled, standing up, wandering to the front door to wait in the car grudgingly.

Never would I have thought that Mikey and I would spend time with each other like this. It was like a road-trip, except there wasn't a lot of excitement lingering in the air. Gracie was silent, unless Mikey asked her a random question. She was like a robot, blurring out rehearsed questions. Every so often her hand would snake up next to him to demand attention, of which he'd give to her willingly. I drove quickly, knowing that I wanted to get back to my Frank as soon as possible. I pulled up outside my house, almost kicking them out. Mikey wandered around to my window, taking my house key from my outstretched hand.

"Promise I won't wreck it. I'll call you later." He said, winking at me. I stuck my middle finger up at him, driving away. He wrapped his arm around Gracie, reminding me that I wanted to hold Frank. I didn't really want sex tonight. I just wanted to just hug him, watch movies- you know, the cliche couples thing. Sighing, I drove as quickly as I could, hoping that he wasn't already sleeping. I didn't want to wake him, I didn't really like doing that. Ditching my car down another street, I walking with my hands in my pockets.

Standing at the bottom of their garden, I knew that I could just walk through their house without them knowing that I was there. I pushed on the front door, smiling as it slowly whined, revealing a warm home. I closed it silently, jogging up the stairs. His mom and dad were in the living room, and his sister was wherever she was. I didn't care about her at that moment, I cared about sleeping next to my boyfriend. I twisted the handle to his door, closing it gently. He was lying on his bed, clutching his stomach. Kneeling down in front of him, I tapped his cheek.

"Baby, it's me." I whispered, an eye opened lazily.

"I feel so sick Gee." He said sleepily, I frowned, throwing my clothes into a pile, sliding in next to him, holding onto him.
Song Of The Chapter- Maria by Blondie

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Also, my two new stories are out Teach me and The Boy In The Corner so be sure to check em out for me <3 I promise they're good, I made sure (:

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