Chapter Twenty-Three

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Frank P.O.V

"How come you feel sick?" Gerard asked, nuzzling into my neck. I didn't have the energy to smile, my stomach feeling like a battlefield.

"I ate regular food. My mom made it for me, it smelt so good. I didn't think that it would make me feel this shitty." I whined, as my stomach growled. He chuckled, kissing my neck, wrapping his arm around me lightly enough to not make me throw up.

"Dude, you can't go eating human food. Sure it tastes great, but we can't digest it," he kissed my cheek, "I'd grab you something but I'm so tired." He added, his voice getting raspier. I nodded, holding his hand. His fingers gripped mine tightly, seeming to take my pain away.

Early morning sunlight shine lazily through the curtains, Gerard's grip on me was just as tight as before we went to sleep. I opened an eye, feeling like something was wrong. I tapped Gerard, but he was fast asleep. I wasn't getting up either. I shrugged, managing to turn over to face him. He was pouting in his sleep, I reached up to stroke his cheek. His mouth opened slightly. "It would be nice, if you stopped staring at me. It's kind of unnerving." He said quietly, I giggled, pressing my lips against his. I crawled on top of him, resting my head in the centre of his chest.

"I love looking at you." I admitted, as his hands came up to rub my back. I loved it when he held me, I always felt safe in his arms. I was surprised that he wasn't making moves on me, but it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless. He squeezed me, I giggled.

"You've got to be quiet, they'll know somebody's here. I'm pretty sure your sister's suspicious of something." He said. I sighed. She had a bug up her ass about me, Gerard too. She knew that I was lying, I could sense it. If only I could just break into her room and find whatever was inside, Gerard's book is what I hoped for. I sighed, looking up at him. He pouted, stroking my face, cupping my cheek. "What's wrong?" He asked, I pulled a face.

"I just want to go home, Gee. Not this home, this hasn't been a home to me in years. I want to be back in our bed, I hate being up here." I whined, he smiled. I knew that he felt the same, and I was beginning to get desperate. If I had to lock her in a room whilst Gerard routed through it then so be it. "Wait. I have an idea. I said, smiling brightly.

"You do?"

"Lucia wanted to take me out yesterday. I could get her out of the house, and you could go through her room." I watched him grin, gripping onto me harder.

"You're so smart." He laughed, kissing me. He flipped me over, pinning me to the bed. He started at my neck, kissing my skin, nibbling it as he traveled down my body. I gasped, he disappeared underneath the covers, his hands travelling up my thighs. My boxers were beginning to get tight, especially so even his lips collided with my stomach.

"Stop teasing me." I gasped, earning a sly giggle from underneath the covers. I felt my boxers be pulled down, and his hand gripped me. It was cold, which sent pleasured shivers across my body. His mouth was warm against my skin, his hand holding my hips down. I loved the way he controlled me like that, it really turned me on. I found myself smiling, my stomach getting tighter. Gasping louder, my hands gripping the sheets, I heard him shush me. He emerged from underneath the sheets, his teeth nibbling on my ear lobes.

"I love watching you squirm," He whispered, squeezing my cheeks. I rolled my eyes playfully, as he kissed my lips. " I love how you let me control you like this. I love exploring you." He purred, his hand reaching into his own underwear. Pushing him down, crawling on top of him, my hips rocked back and forth. He moaned into my mouth, grabbing my ass, digging his nails into my skin. He loved to make marks on my skin, to let people know that I belonged to him. I would always belong to him. He pushed my hips down, thrusting deep inside of me. I tired to moan as quietly as I could, but it was no use. I just hoped that my parents and Lucia were downstairs, that would've made for awkward conversation.

"Who do you belong to?" He growled, using my hair to expose my neck. I gasped, my stomach growing tight again.

"Y-you." I stammered. He laid me down gently, kissing my chest. Locking my fingers around strands of his hair, his hand wrapping around my dick. His thrusts grew stronger, getting deeper and deeper inside me, leaving me mewling underneath him. "Gee-" I whined, as he threw his head back, falling down next to me.

My body was sticky, but I wouldn't be able to sneak to the shower. I stood up, staggering around the room. My legs were still slightly asleep, having not moved for a long time. I knew that he was watching me from my bed, but I didn't mind. I was more confident about my body, and he had seen it too many time for me to be shy around him. "You have a nice ass." He said crudely, I held up my middle finger as I bent down, using my shirt to wipe my chest. He chuckled, lying back, I heard the bed creak.

"If I get Lucia out of the house, you'll look around her room?" I asked, routing through my drawers for clean underwear. He nodded with a yawn, holding his fringe out of his face. Pulling up my jeans, throwing a clean shirt over my head, I kissed him. Before exiting my room, searching for my sister.
Song Of The Chapter- Helter Skelter by The Beatles

This story is a smutty mess but I'm not gonna apologise for it- nopeee.

Don't forget to comment and vote, it really helps me out <3

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