Chapter Twenty-One

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Frank P.O.V

"You can stay here as long as you need to." My mom said, patting my back. I nodded, pretending to still be upset. Lucia was staring at me, as though she was admiring my acting skills. I sighed, still forcing crocodile tears from my eyes.

"How about I take Frank out? Maybe it'll cheer him up?" She suggested, my mom looked down at me. I rolled my eyes at her. If anything, I would've preferred to stay home. I just wanted to wait for Gerard to come back, I was missing him already. I wanted him to hold me, to squeeze me like he did. He would say that I was being pathetic, if he knew how bad my separation anxiety was when I was away from him. Realising that the room was uncomfortably silent, I began to nod.

"The fresh air'll do you good." She smiled, smoothing my hair. I sat up, wiping my eyes, my cheeks sticky from them. I shuddered, cupping my face, before Lucia's bony hand gripped my wrist, leading me from the room. She dragged me up the stairs, as if she had something urgent to do. She opened my bedroom door, pushing me inside.

"Get dressed. Be quick." She slammed the door, leaving me confused. What was wrong with her? I raised an eyebrow, spinning around on my heel, sitting on my bed. Head in my hands, I felt blood rush to my head. It was pleasant. I didn't want to go out, I didn't want to leave my room. If anything, I could've slept some more. My stomach was beginning to feel funny. The aftermath of my mom's killer breakfast was beginning to creep up on me, grabbing hold of my head, shaking it around. A pain began to shoot across my body, I laid down on the floor, hands gripping my head. Managing to get up, I stumbled to the door, twisting the handle with difficulty. Lucia looked surprised, she began to follow me

I threw myself into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I didn't want her in here, watching me throw up my loving breakfast. I fell into the toilet, almost hitting my head against it. My stomach gave a lurch, undigested food falling into the water. My head felt like it had been trampled on, and my stomach stung like a bitch. I coughed, almost choking on air. I groaned, sitting back. I felt weak, like my body was about to go to sleep for a million years. I heard Lucia tap on the door, her head resting against it.

"Will you leave me alone for ten fucking minutes?" I hissed, finding it difficult to form a sentence. I wanted to sleep, I needed meat. Raw- not cooked. My stomach growled, pleading with me to get some proper food. I hoped that Gerard would bring me some back. He always had some sort of insight into my needs. I laid down on the floor, embracing the coldness that it offered. It soothed the pain in my head, and all I wanted was for Gerard to comfort me. To hold me in his arms.

"God, somebody's pissy. Fine. I'll leave you alone. I'll be back in an hour, I have to go somewhere." She huffed. Her footsteps gave me satisfaction as the got further and further away. I grinned, trying not to fall asleep on the floor. Mom would panic if she found me here.

I waited a few moments to make sure that I wasn't going to throw up anymore. To my luck, my stomach was empty, so I flushed the toilet. Standing in front of the sink, I washed cold water over my face. Sighing, I tried to keep my balance as I turned to face the door. I opened it, half-expecting her to be lurking around outside. But, she wasn't. She really had left. I grinned, using the wall to lead me down the hallway. Almost face-planting the door, I managed to open it, grinning as I came in. Unfortunately, Gerard wasn't there. I pouted, throwing myself down on the bed, resting my head on my pillow. There was a noise. Like paper crumpling under pressure. I frowned, reaching under there to grip the piece of paper. Unfolding it, to see his usual scrawl. I smiled.

" Gone to talk to my brother, I can't wander around your house looking for it. It'll be too obvious, she'll know. I'll be back later,
Xo Gee "

At least I knew that he would be back. I couldn't wait to see him, I hoped that he would bring me some food. I couldn't eat any more of my mom's cooking, despite how amazing it tasted. The fact that I couldn't eat like that anymore made me sad. But, life goes on.

I crumpled the paper in my hands, turning over, closing my eyes. Sleep welcomed me like an old friend, and I ran at it with open arms.
Song Of The Chapter- Run Away by Sundara Karma

Ridiculously short chapter, but it's more of a filler. I don't really know what direction I wanna go with this story at the minute, so I reaaaaalllly need to think- because I can't abandon it, (it's my New Years resolution to finish things, okay XD)

Anyway, don't forget to comment and vote because it really helps me out <3

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