Chapter Twenty-Four

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Gerard P.O.V

I loved him so much. Smiling, tucking my hands behind my head, I listened to him jog down the stairs. I wanted to lie down for a while before I went a got Mikey. I refused to let his little lapdog come with him, she'd get in the way. It wouldn't kill her to be away from him for an hour or so, my house wasn't that unbearable. I rolled my eyes, turning over to face the wall. I could hear muffled voices in conversation downstairs- Frank and Lucia. The both of them seemed happy enough, and I heard the front door slam shut. That was my cue. Rolling from his bed, onto the floor, I threw my clothes on, shuffling over to the window to see where they both were. I didn't want to jump from his window, directly in front of her. She had my book- who knows what she would do to me if she saw me in her house.

I smiled, as they both neared the end of the street. Pulling the window all of the way up, I dangled my legs over the side. Bending my legs as I landed, I dusted the dirt off my hands. I patted my back pocket to check if my keys were nesting there, smiling as I felt their outline. Tucking my hands into my front pockets, I strolled leisurely to where I had dumped my car. The birds sang in the trees, and the weather was unbearably sunny. Huffing, I kicked a rock into the road, listening to the trees sway in the light breeze.

My car was waiting obediently for me, just out of sight. Looking around to avoid suspicion, I ran towards it, pulling my keys from my back pocket. I wasn't sure how long Frankie was going to be able to keep her out of my sight, but I hoped that it would be long. I drove with an intense sense of urgency, not even bothering to turn on my radio. Mikey was already waiting outside my house, Gracie's stood in the window. He opened the back door, throwing something onto the backseat, before joining me in the front. He looked at me weirdly.

"What?" I asked angrily, rolling out of the driveway. He chuckled, patting his legs along with it. "I hate you." I joked, watching his hand snake over to the stereo in the corner of my eye. AC/DC came through the speakers, he pulled a disgusted face at me.

"Dude, at least make it seem like you don't live in hell." He said, as I hastily turned the music off. If he couldn't appreciate my music, there would be no music- simple as.

"Maybe you need to appreciate the finer things." I turned a corner quickly, making sure that he slid into the window. He rubbed his head, slapping me in the side of the leg. I laughed evilly, stopping the car. "Alright," I said, turning to face him, "Frankie's taken his sister out of the house, his parents won't be home until late. We've got until whenever Frank comes back."I said.

Mikey rubbed his hands together menacingly, before the both of us got out of the car. We walked next to each other, if we weren't trying to get me back home I would've preferred him being on the other side of the road. But, we had to remain mature. If we were going to find anything in that girl's room, we would have to be professional, careful. We stood on the front lawn, looking up at the building. "Reckon the door'll be open?" Mikey asked, I rolled my eyes. He didn't remember who I was- whatever I wanted to happen, would happen.

"Mikey, I can just open the front door. I can do what I want." I scoffed, walking up to the door. I twisted the handle, pushing on the wood. I swung open idly, Mikey looked impressed. We wandered inside together, footsteps echoing in the deserted halls. We checked downstairs first, pulling drawers open- then putting things back exactly how they were. If anybody saw anything out of place, Frank wouldn't be invited in their home anymore- Lucia would make sure of that. We wouldn't be able to return home, and hell would crumble to pieces.

I didn't enjoy thinking like that, so I shook my head. I jogged up the stairs, Mikey slowly following behind me. It felt eerily quiet, but I expected it to change once we got into her room. I had no idea what was hiding in there- if she had summoned any demons- God knew. I trailed my hand along the wall, before stopping in front of her door. I was painted pink- probably from when she was a little girl. Her name was at the top of it in huge black lettering, probably to annoy her parents. Mikey stood behind me, hands on his hips. I placed my hand on the wood of the door, the other hand gripping the handle of the door. It felt hot in my hand, like hell fire. There was a 'click', as the door opened, to reveal complete darkness.

"Do you think there's just teenage angst in there. I mean, it looks pretty mysterious." Mikey joked. I laughed along, rolling my eyes, reaching inside to find the light switch. Finding it, I hit it hard with my fist, casting the room in a bright light.
Song Of The Chapter- Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

This took me a while to write, especially since my exams are nearing :/ I'm sorry if it's disappointing to you, but I probably won't be updating regularly ):

Anyway, don't forget to comment and vote, it really helps me out <3

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