Friend zone?

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Cheshire, England 2008

(McKenna's POV)

"I can't believe he finally asked you out," Gemma squeals as we walk into her kitchen and set our school bags down on the kitchen island.

"Me either!" I squeal back as we start to jump up and down; holding hands and burst into a frenzy of giggles and squeals.

"Who asked you out?" I hear a small voice ask from behind me..

I turn around and see my best friend's little brother Harry staring at me with glossy green eyes, clearly feeling wounded and trying his best not to cry as he angrily brushed his dark brown curls out of his face.

"Harry.." I sigh, and avoid looking him in the eyes.

"Answer my question," he says stepping closer to me, holding back frustrated, angry tears, pretty much forcing me to look at him.

"His name is Edwin, you don't know him Harry, he goes to school with Gemma and I," I say feeling sorry for the fourteen year old boy.

"Why would you say yes?" He says his voice cracking as a tear betrays him and runs down his chubby cheek.

"Harry we've gone over this before, I know you like me but there's no way we could be together, you're thirteen and I'm Seventeen-" I begin to say but he cuts me off, like he always does.

"I'm not thirteen anymore my birthday was last month, I'm fourteen now," he coaxes as if it would change my mind about it.

"Harry, you're still too young for me and besides you're like a little brother to me, I can't like you like that, it would be way too weird," I say before I can stop myself.

"Why can't just you give me a chance!!!!" Harry screams and storms out of the room. A few seconds later I hear the sound of his bedroom door being slammed shut.

I sigh and walk over to the couch in the living room and slump down. Gemma walks over and sits down next to me.

"Kenna, don't you think you were a little harsh?" my best friend asks putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I know I was harsh, but he needed to hear it now rather than later, he needs to find someone his own age and move on from me." I groan.

"Yeah I guess you're right.." She sighs.

"Let's not worry about it now, I'm sure he'll be fine, let's look through your closet so I can see what I could borrow for my date with Edwin," I giggle, hopping to my feet.

"Alright," she says giving me a fake smile making me feel even worse than I already felt on the inside.

Gemma leads the way down the narrow hallway to her room and as we pass Harry's room I hear light sobs coming from inside, making my heart wrench a little. I peer over at Gemma and she seems not to notice as she continues to lead me down the hall. Either that or she's great at faking it. My heart yearns to help the poor curly haired boy and wipe his tears away. I know however if I do that he'll never be able to move on. I force myself to follow Gemma the rest of the way to her room.

(Author's Note and Disclaimer: Harry is in fact not 14 throughout this entire story it skips around throughout the years until present day)

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