Chapter 19

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English countryside, 2012

(McKenna's POV)

The scenery takes my breath away. The white gazebo they will be married under is decorated with vines and white roses, the middle pathway is covered in multicolored rose petals and the elegant white seats match the white roses on the gazebo perfectly. The trees add such a quiet and intimate touch to it. I've never been one for outdoor weddings, I think it's so hot, sweaty and there's so many bugs but Anne's wedding just might change my mind about it.

My mum leads the way to our seats that have been reserved for us in the front row on Anne's family side. She helps me into my seat, then takes her seat next to me, laying my crotches on the floor in front of us. A few of Anne and Robin's family and friends are starting to show up. I look over to where Robin is standing smiling proudly, and look down the line of his groom's men, the one that significantly catches my eye is the one standing closest to Robin. He towers over everyone and looks to be about at least 6 feet tall, and he has brown curly hair that's pushed out of his forehead and these gorgeous green eyes, He looks just like Harry.. But no it couldn't be. They made it clear that Harry was most likely not coming.

Our eyes meet and a dimply grin appears on his face and with no doubt I know it's Harry and my heart nearly hammers out of my chest.

(Harry's POV))

I see her and all I can think is that it has to be fucking fake. I was sure she wouldn't be here because she broke her leg and couldn't be a bridesmaid anymore but there she was clear as day. I look deeply into her grey eyes and smile and wait for the mirage to start to disappear. This has to be a dream, a beautifully tragic dream. But she doesn't fade.

"Maybe she's just a person who happens to look a lot like her," I mumble aloud to myself to try and be more convincing.

She looks away from me and reaches into her purse to get something and accidentally smacks the person next to her when pulling out her phone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She exclaims in her sweet voice covering her mouth and blushing uncontrollably.

An then I realize this isn't fake, this is completely real and it really is her; I'm seeing her for the first time in almost two years in person and she's more beautiful than ever.

Before I realize what I'm doing I'm walking to where she's seated. My face is hurting and I'm smiling so wide that my face is hurting. I'm almost half way to the woman of my dreams when I'm pulled back into place by Robin just as the wedding music starts. I groan lowly so that no one can hear me as I'm drowned out by the music. I steal a glance at her radiant face one more time then turn and look toward the aisle where the brides maids are walking down one by one.

This is going to be the longest wedding I've ever been to...

(AN: Again I'm so terribly sorry I've barely been updating frequently lately, I've just been really super busy with school and just a lot of personal reasons.. But I promise to start writing more once I have free time :D thank you guys so much for 4k reads!!! I love you guys so much, you mean the world to me, don't forget to comment and vote!)

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