Chapter 2

590 19 6

Cheshire, England 2010

(McKenna's POV)

I drove up Gemma's long drive way and parked. I looked myself in the mirror one last time and I looked like a mess. After attempting to fix my makeup and hair, I gave up on my hair and just put it into a messy bun. I get out of my car and fix my now wrinkled skirt and let out a small sigh. This week at university has been really long, I'm so happy that it's Friday and I get to spend the rest of the day shopping with Gemma.

I walk up to the red door and knock. After a few seconds, I'm surprised by Harry answering the door instead of Gemma or their mother Anne.

"Hey McKenna," he says greeting me with a warm smile.

"Uh, hey where's Gemma?" I ask, stepping around him and walking inside.

"She's in her room, getting ready," he says stepping in front of me.

"Um, okay well I'll just wait on the couch," I say walking towards the living room.

"What's your rush," he says grabbing my wrist and looking intensely in my eyes. Before I can respond he pushes me up against the wall, making my heart hammer in my chest, he wraps one arm securely around my waist and His other hand on the wall next to my face.

"Harry what are you-" he interrupts me by crushing his lips against mine and kissing me hungrily.. I try to push him off, but he's too strong for me, there's nothing I could do but give him what he so desperately wants. I surprise my self by kissing him back, our bodies mold together. He kisses me rougher and a fire ignites in my body, making me realize that I'm enjoying myself,I'm enjoying kissing Harry Styles, my best friends younger brother.. He holds me tighter and his hand tangles it's way into my hair and he tugs it softly, causing me to moan against his lips.

"Harry, McKenna?" I hear Gemma call our names. I pull away from Harry almost immediately, and open my eyes to find my best friend standing just a few feet away, staring at Harry and I in complete and utter shock. I want to say something, anything; an explanation as to why I was kissing Harry, but no words come out and I'm frozen in place.

I look over at Harry hoping he'll say something and he suddenly starts to fade away and become distorted, I reach for him and my hand goes right through him. I pull my hand away, confused, then reach for him again but this time he disappears completely and it all fades to black.


"McKenna, Mckenna!!" Gemma yells as she shakes me awake. My eyes flutter open and it takes me a moment to process where I am. I look around my room and take it in. I think back to my dream and think of the way Harry's lips felt in my dream, they were so plump, soft and they felt so real... Oh god, snap out of it McKenna! I rub my eyes and try to shake off the unusual thoughts I'm having about Harry, This is too weird, I say to my self and try to block out any further thoughts of Harry or my strange dream. I look up at Gemma, who's expectantly waiting for me to say something.

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask my voice still groggy.

"Your mum said you've been asleep for about 3 hours, apparently when you got home from school you were so tired you passed out," Gemma says offering me a hand to help me get off my bed.

"Oh," is all I can manage to say, still not able to voice any coherent thought, as I get on my feet.

"Are you okay Kenna?" Gemma asks me, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Yeah I just had a weird dream," I say avoiding eye contact.

"What was it about?" She presses.

"Uh I don't really want to talk about it," I say biting my lip.

"Okay?" She says looking at me weirdly.

I walk past her and get my leather jacket from my coat hanger. I put it on and start to brush my hair. After a long and awkward silence I speak up.

"So, are we going to the mall like we originally planned," I ask hoping to god she says yes, so I can have a distraction from that peculiar dream that keeps creeping it's way back into my mind.

"Well yes but first we're going to my house for dinner because Harry has a big announcement and he wants you to be there for it," she says looking me dead in my grey eyes silently pleading with me not to protest.

"What does he want to announce that he needs me there?" I question thinking of all the possibilities of what it could be.

"I don't know," she shrugs "but I promised you would be there, because whatever it is, it seems really important to him that you know."

"Do you think he got a girlfriend?" I blurt out the question before I could stop myself. Gemma goes wide eyed as if she hadn't even considered that as a possibility.

"No, I don't think so I'm pretty sure I would've known by now if he did," she says reassuring herself, and for some reason I feel a heavy wave of relief pass through my body at the sound of that statement. Why am I so relieved about this? I want him to move on don't I? It was just a dream a really weird dream, it means nothing, I try to convince myself over and over in my head. Why should I need to convince myself of this? What is seriously going on with me today?

I'm shaken from my sporadic thoughts by Gemma.

"You coming?" She yells, already out of my room, making her way towards the front door of my house.

"Yeah," I yell back and quickly follow her.

We walk outside and get into her cute little black Cadillac. The short car ride to Gemma's is silent, except for the low hum of music coming from the radio, allowing me to stay consumed in my thoughts as I continue to think of all the possibilities of what Harry might be announcing tonight.

(Authors note, Hey guys :) I would really like to hear from you guys and how you like the story so far , thank you so much for reading, don't forget to comment and vote please, and from now on for ever chapter I'll ask a question, What should McKenna and Harry's shipped name be? Comment ideas please)

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