Chapter 20

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(McKenna's POV)

"You may now kiss the bride," the Justice of Peace declared.

Anne who looked radiant in her flowery white gown, was crying tears of joy as Robin scooped her into his arms and gave her their first kiss as husband and wife. I hear a few people crying and others applaud and holler. I reach up to move a piece of stray hair out off my face and realize I started to cry a little too, I look over at Harry and he's smiling a huge toothy grin at his Mum and Robin. But then he suddenly feels my eyes on him and we lock eyes with each other. His green eyes glisten and he gives me a small smile, I feel my lips pull into a smile as if returning it. One of his body guards appears at his side and whispers something into his ear and without another glance in my direction, he turns and walks to the limo he came in. I sigh and pick my crutches of the floor, placing them both under my arms and quickly getting up as fast as I can and start to head over to my mum's car.

How could he be so cold to me so suddenly?

(Harry's POV)

I want to talk to her, I want to talk so bad, I almost did after the wedding but my body guard made me get into the limo fast to avoid a big fuss over me, which is absolutely ridiculous because most of the people at this wedding are MY family. The reception is being held at a small convention center a little ways away from the country side. It takes my driver a little less than fifteen minutes to arrive. The fan keep tweeting me and asking if the wedding is in their area. I'm afraid that they might somehow figure out where it is, I've learned to never underestimate my fans.

Paul opens my door and escorts me out of the limo, I quickly lock my phone and place it in my back pocket. He leads me into the building swiftly and by the time we get into the convention center I'm out of breath. I've gotten used to being in a rush all the time because the past two years we've constantly been in a rush to get somewhere. I think that's probably one of the only things I would take back about this whole experience, that and being able to see her every day.

When we walk in to the enormous room that the reception is being held in, My breath is taken away from me and not because of the cheap decorations my Mum's wedding planner picked to match the decorations of the wedding. It was by the girl of my dreams, who was now standing only a few feet away from me, talking to Gemma. I decide now is the time to talk to her because who knows what will happen if i wait. I start to walk over to her but half way there my legs decide they don't want to cooperate with my brain, so I become frozen in place.


I decide my second best bet is to call out her name, so I try to but when I open my mouth nothing comes out because my mind decides to become socially impaired, so I end up standing there like a gapping idiot while she's still talking to my older sister and hasn't even noticed my presence at all. What the hell is going on with my body, it's like I've gone back in time and I'm that fourteen year old boy again who was too afraid to talk to her, or much less look at her, and I'm back to being invisible again.

Is she even thinking about me at all?

Did she miss me as much as I missed her?

Or worse, has she moved on..?

I can feel the confidence I've built up in the past few years, slowly wearing down to nothing again as I ask myself all these questions. It's been two years since I've last seen her in person, but she's still the same person I left behind so I shouldn't be this nervous of talking to her, she's still my McKenna.

After a while I'm fiinally able to regain control over my legs again and I force myself to move forward, towards her. I get to her successfully, she turns her attention from Gemma, to me and smiles a fucking radiant smile at me and I'm at a loss for words again. She looks at me expectantly as if she knows exactly what I'm going to say or she's waiting for me to say something, she wants me to say. I offer her a shy smile and hold both of her tiny hands in mine. She smiles down at our hands as if she's remembering something then she takes a deep breath and looks in my eyes.

"Harry, I really missed you alot," she looks emotional almost as if she might cry, without even thinking I pull her into my arms and rub her back comfortingly.

"I missed you so much too baby, you have no Idea," I whisper into her ear. She clings on tighter to me and starts to sniffle uncontrollably. My heart is breaking for her. I kiss her head and lift her chin so I can look in her beautiful grey eyes. God I want to kiss her, it's been so long and my body fucking aches for her. She stares down at my lips, making me think shes going to kiss me but then she kisses my cheek instead.

"Why have you done that? Why didn't you kiss me.... I- I thought you missed me....?" I stutter my voice barely a whisper.

"I did miss you Harry, It's just-" She mumbles looking down at her shoes and bites down hard on her bottom lip .

"It's just, what McKenna?" I lift her chin with my thumb and forefinger so she can look me in the eyes but she pulls away from my touch, nearly killing me right then and there.

"I found someone else, and we're getting married!" She radiates with pure excitement, that makes me sick to my stomach, shoving a collosal sized diamond ring in my face.

"What?" I hear myself say, as huge tears sting my eyes threatening to come pouring down.

Niall suddenly appears at McKenna's side and starts to spin her around like a maniac.

"WHEN THE FUCK DID NIALL GET HERE?!? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! " I scream pulling at my hair, finally giving in to the tears, burning my eyes, letting them stream down my face until they nearly blind me.

Then, before my eyes, my worst Nightmare comes to life.

Niall, dips the girl of dreams, like a scene you see in cheesy ass romantic movies and starts to kiss her passionately.

The horrific image starts to distort, yet become more vivid as it burns its way into my mind

"NO NO NO NO NO," I yell and start to thrash around violently and that's when I feel my body come in contact with a hard surface and I hear a loud thud. My head starts throbbing and I feel this weight pinning down my arms. I open my eyes slowly and I'm suddenly not at my mother's wedding reception anymore, instead I'm on the floor of our tour bus, with satan himself pinning me down to the ground, his face no more than few inches away from mine.

"Harry, it's okay it was just a dream," Niall explains to me with a concerned look in his blue eyes as he stays hovering over me, fueling my anger towards him even further.

"Get the fuck off me asshole," I grit through clenched teeth.

"Wait, what?" He looks at me confused, furrowing his brow.

"I said get off me," I scream, and my anger takes over and before I know it, I've kicked him in the balls.

(McKenna's POV)

Out of no where I'm telling Harry I've moved on from him and for some ridiculous reason I'm now getting married to Niall. Niall then starts to spin me, which mind you, makes no sense because I have a broken leg, then dips me, like a scene you see in a chick flick movie and starts to kiss me passionately as Harry cries his eyes out.

Wait, What? This not reality.

Slowly the fucked up image that makes absolutely no sense, distorts like an old movie and fades away.

I open my eyes, and I'm back in my Pink bedroom of my flat I just bought not even a week ago. I let out a sigh of relief as I sit up in my bed, tossing my lavender blanket off of me and my Mum's cat Milo whom I'm babysitting. I get up slowly, stretching then walk into my small kitchen and I look through my fridge for something that can be quick to make before heading out to the Art studio I own with Silvia. Then a thought occurs to me. I haven't seen Harry in two years and what if this dream is a sign that I need to move on before he does?

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