Chapter 13

318 7 2

Cheshire, England 2010

(McKenna's POV)

"Congratulations Harry!" I squeal while he holds me in his arms.

"Thank you," he smiles widely and pulls away from me just enough so our eye are leveled with each other and holds both of my hands. I smile back and his eyes drop to my lips, causing them to tingle. I inch my face closer to his looking him in his beautiful green eyes and never breaking eye contact with him once. I want him to kiss me. No I need him to kiss me. He leans in closer until we're an inch apart, his intoxicating minty breath fans my face, making me want him even more. He brushes his lips on mine before teasingly planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Ha ha. Very funny," I groan. He moves his lips back to mine again and brushes his over mine. I guess this is pay back for when I teased the crap out of him a week ago.

"Mhm I am very funny," he chuckles agains my lips before giving me a peck on the lips. No Harry that's not enough! I yearn for more and right when Harry leans in as if he's going to kiss me for real this time, someone clears their throat behind me and Harry pulls away but still holds my hands.

I turn to see who it was who cleared their throat, ultimately ruined my moment with Harry and I am greeted with a pair of gorgeous blue eyes and a brown haired boy who has his hair in a beanie just like Harry, usually has his, it's a pet peeve of mine when Harry wears beanies so it takes everything I have not to rip the beanie off this stranger's head. I see the other three boys that we're called standing behind him one has beautiful dark features and he looks as if he belongs in a Hollister photo shoot, the other one has straightened brown hair and chocolate brown eyes and looks like the human equivalent of a puppy and the last one, blonde haired, blue eyed one is vaguely familiar and I know I've seen him before but I don't remember where.

"What are we going to wear?" The boy in the beanie suddenly blurts. Harry turns around and looks at him, and you would think he would laugh at the stupid question but no.

"I haven't even thought about that," Harry says with wide eyes. I bite my lip holding in a laugh.

"I think we should all dress a bit more like Louis, I mean look at him, his fashion sense is impeccable and -," the blonde haired one begins to say in a cute little Irish accent and gestures to the one in the beanie.

"No Niall, I'd never dress like that," the dark featured one interrupts him.

"Yeah, I agree with Zayn we can't be one of those groups that match completely, and I'd never dress like that either," the human puppy dog equivalent admits.

"What's so wrong with my fashion sense Zayn and Liam?" Louis sassily remarks. I no longer am able to hold in my laughter at their girly exchange, and I snort before bursting out in an eruption of giggles. They all turn, looking behind Harry where I'm standing and stare at me before smiling at me brightly.

"Who's this, Harry?" Niall asks not taking his eyes off me once. I see Harry frown at Niall from over his shoulder and he backs protectively up until his back is pressed against me.

"She's my ...." He trails off and I instantly know what he was going to call me. I rub his back comfortingly, and think of the best way not to friend zone him.

"I'm his sister's best friend McKenna, it's nice to meet you," I say offering him a smile.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Niall, and this is Louis, Liam, and Zayn," He tells me, pointing at each of them one by one as they each wave and smile. I feel Harry tense up again at the sight of each of them smiling at me.

Aw, he's so jealous right now and it's fucking adorable.

Harry pulls me out from behind him and wraps his arms around me. I see a glimmer of some emotion that it can't quite catch but it crosses over each of their faces but the emotion looks most evident in Niall's, they almost look jealous.

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