chapter 22

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(Harry's POV)

I wiped my mouth lazily after eating my breakfast as the boys frantically ran around from room to room getting dressed. I heard Louis and Niall arguing in the hallway over a pair of missing shoes. I laughed at the commotion and shook my head as I took a sip of my sweet tea. They were always like this the morning of a show, especially Liam, but ever since his girlfriend tagged along on this tour he hasn't been much of a hassle as usual. I on the other hand am never in any rush, much to the discontent of my bandmates. I find it extremely entertaining to sit back and watch them scurry, and get into arguements because of their irritability.

"Harry its your turn to get your hair fixed, Lou wants you in her room." Zayn explains breaking me out of my trance.

"But I'm not even dressed yet..." I mumble looking down at my boxers.

"Then get dressed and then go to get your hair done, I don't care, but siting there on your arse isn't doing us any favors mate. We don't want to be late especially not to a meet and greet because it fucks everything up, we're running on a schedule here Harry," Zayn explains further shooting me an exasperated look.

"Nag nag nag, when did you become Liam?" I rolled my eyes at him, getting up from my chair slowly.

"Since Liam won't stop making eyes at his girlfriend now MOVE." He groaned shoving my shoulder and making me stumble forward.

I shoot him a glare over my shoulder for pushing me and head over to my room to get dressed.

I unzip my suitcase and lazily search it's contents, I grab a black T-shirt and some skinny jeans and I start heading to the bathroom, when I hear a knock at my door. Figuring it's probably Zayn again I quickly tug on my skinny jeans and walk over to answer the door. I look through the peep hole and when I see who's standing on the other side of the door, my heart starts pounding so hard I can feel it in my throat and my palms become all sweaty, I wasn't expecting them to get here so quickly. I hesitate to open the door and I hear my sister sigh loudly.

"I bet he's still asleep Harry never gets up when he's supposed to" she tells McKenna and it makes my blood boil.

I yank the door open and give my sister a big smile as if to say, 'you were wrong I wasn't sleeping' and I turn my attention away from her and stare at McKenna for a few split seconds.

(McKenna's POV)
Right when Gemma was beginning to get ready to knock again, the door swings open just enough to reveal a tall, shirtless and muscular Harry. Without meaning to I feel my eyes go wide and my breath hitches in my throat. I try to will myself not to stare at him as he smiles at his sister and greets us both with inaudible words but it's almost as if I'm not in control of my eyes as my glide down from his perfect face and longish hair to his finely toned and perfectly inked torso. I try to force myself to look away because I'm terrified he'll catch me in the act but I can't help myself. I tell myself over and over that he probably hasn't even noticed I've been staring at him, to justify what I'm doing.

All of a sudden, he clears his throat and I jump, his green eyes meet mine and my face gets hot and I can tell my face is turning beat red.

"Like what you see babe?"

He smirks looking really satisfied with himself. I open my mouth to say something back but nothing comes out. He opens the door wider for us to enter his room.

(AN: hey guys sorry this is so short but I wanted to update as soon as possible, thank you so much for 6.5 k that's insane, I never believed this story would go as far as it has so thank you so much Please comment and tell me what you're thinking of the story so far ily guys!)

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