Chapter 9

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(Harry's POV)

The drive to McKenna's home was quick, I planned all the things I'm going to say to her over in my mind and arrive in less than five minutes. I sit in car, my nerves getting the better of me. Maybe I should wait before going inside, I think to myself. I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach, telling me that I need to go inside right now. Cold fear sets in and something feels very off.

I get out of my sisters car, slam the door and rush up the walkway to the her front door. I hesitate but finally bring myself to knock. I wait a few minutes and she doesn't open the door. I knock again and yet again she doesn't answer.

"Maybe she isn't here," I think aloud and begin to walk back to my sisters car, but half way there I remember that I parked behind her car. She's here, I know she is something must be wrong. I half run back to her front door and begin to frantically look for an extra key. I look in the potted plant and in the door frame and no luck I'm just about to give up and kick the door down when it dawns on me to look under the faded welcome mat. I lift it up and sure enough there it is. My hands tremble as I unlock the door and struggle to open it.

As I step inside and it's dead silent in the house, but then I hear the sound of McKenna's helpless screaming and my heart drops.

"Shut up bitch," I hear Edwin yell followed by the sound of someone being slapped.

No, he did not just fucking lay a hand on her.

"You're going to let me have my way with you, you understand me? Or it'll be much worse," he growls.

Hearing him talk to her like that makes me fucking lose it and before I realize what I'm doing, I burst into McKenna's room and wrap my hands around Edwin's neck, peeling him off of a crying, shaking McKenna and slamming him against the wall.

"Harry!" McKenna gasps still shaking and drops to the floor.

"Oh look it's your little fuck buddy here to interrupt our fun," Edwin sneers, and wriggles easily out of my grip. Of course he can he's much bigger than me. "Well that won't do, I'll just have get rid of him now," he adds eyeing me viciously.

I back up and he steps closer to me, lifting his arm as if he's about to take a swing at me, I anticipate it and even wait for him to take the first punch, but it doesn't come. I look up and all of a sudden McKenna standing in between us and she wraps my arms securely around her waist, to steady her shaking body.

"Don't. You. Dare. You can hit me all you want but touch him and we'll have a problem," She says through her teeth and protectively wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I'm not scared of you slut," he smirks, inching closer to us.

"You don't have to be scared of me," she shrugs. "But you might want to be scared of the cops," she adds taking my phone from my back pocket and unlocking it.

"Wh-what d-do you m-mean?" he stutters, looking at her wide eyed.

"Well let's see you basically broke in to my house, attempted to rape me and attempted to assault Harry, that could give you some time in prison.. Gee I wonder what your mum would say," she smirks at him as she starts dialing the number.

"You know what fuck this, I was cheating on you the whole time I was away, being here is just a waste of my time when I have a sexy French girl friend back in France," he says stepping even closer to us.

"What?" She says her voice cracking and the pain is evident on her face.

I unwrap McKenna's arms from around me and gently push her behind me. I wrap my hands around his neck again and slam him against the wall once again.

"Don't Harry he's not worth it," McKenna says gently tugging on my shirt to get me to let go of him.

I reluctantly follow her orders and let go of him, and backing away to where she's standing. She swiftly walks over to him and slaps him in the face with all her force.

"Get out of my house right now before I call the cops, you little shit." She says in disgust.

He walks out of the room but not before flicking us off.

Once he's gone, McKenna surprises me when she hugs me tightly and starts to softly sob into my chest. I rub her back comfortingly and hesitantly kiss her head. We stay that way for fifteen minutes before she finally speaks.

"You saved me Harry, who knows what would've happened if you hadn't come," she say shuddering whatever disturbing thought must've gone through her head. "God I'm so sorry," she adds sniffling; wiping at her eyes and removing black streaks from her face.

"Don't apologize McKenna, there's no reason to apologize," I say moving her hands away from her beautiful face and continue wiping her tears away. She bites her lip and stares into my eyes, saying nothing but gently placing her small hands on my waist. The thought crosses my mind that maybe I should kiss her right now, but then I remember what she said earlier and decide against it. She doesn't feel anything for you Harry, I tell myself in my mind and force myself to pull away from her.

"Well I'm glad I could help," I say turning my back towards her and walking towards the door.

"Wait Harry," she says from behind me.

"What?" I ask, my back still facing her.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" She squeaks.

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