Chapter 14

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Cheshire, England 2010

(McKenna's POV)

I wake up when I hear a slam of the front door followed by loud foot steps and the smell of food and sound of bags rustling. I don't even remember falling back asleep but because Harry is here my night mare didn't return, I look at him and he's peacefully sleeping beside me with his arms still wrapped around me. He looks so at peace that I fight myself on whether I should wake him or not.

"Harry," I whisper into his ear but he doesn't budge.

"Harry," I whisper again this time a little louder and I reach over and place a gentle kiss on his neck.

"Mmm," he moans, with a smile pulling it's way onto his lips, but he keeps his eyes closed.

"Harry, I think your dad is here with the food, we have to get up," I tell him, kissing his neck one more time.

"We can eat later, I'd rather stay here with you," he mumbles sleepily in a sexy groggy voice and nuzzles into me.

"As much as I want to stay here, we really should eat, your band mates are probably wondering where you went." I sigh, running my fingers through his curls.

"Fine," Harry groans, letting go of me gently and sitting up on the bed. I sit up next to him and we look into each other's eyes for a moment before I lean in and kiss him, catching him completely off guard.

"Thank you for staying with me," I whisper against his plump lips.

"You're welcome," he mumbles before kissing me back.

"Food is here!" I hear Harry's father Dez scream from the kitchen.

"We better go eat," I giggle, pulling away from him.

"Alright," he says standing to his feet, then hoisting me up into his strong arms.

"Thank you." I whisper, relishing myself in his clean and minty scent.

"Your welcome," he says, reluctantly letting go of me. I grab his hand and lead him out of Gemma's room and down the hall. He drops his head and smiles at our intertwined fingers and the sight of it makes me almost turn back around so I can kiss his adorable face all over. When we make it into the kitchen I feel everyone's eyes on us and I drop Harry's hand almost immediately. I see him frown from the corner of my eye and it makes my heart wrench so I reach out for his hand again and hold it tighter then ever before, earning myself a dimply smile from Harry.

"McKenna can I talk to you for a minute?" Gemma calmly asks from the kitchen table.

"Sure," I answer walking toward her with Harry still in tow, holding my head.

"Alone," she clarifies dropping her gaze from me to our intertwined hands.

"Oh, yeah of course." I mumble, letting go of Harry's hand. He looks at me giving me a comforting smile before walking over to the others and getting his food.

Gemma, reaches for my hand and pulls me to follow her into the family room. I follow behind her and she sits down on the big red leather couch and pats the seat next to her, motioning for me to sit. I hesitate and sit next to her, leaving a bit of space between us in case this goes wrong and she becomes angry.

"Before I start, I just want you to know that I'm not angry or uncomfortable about whatever this is that's going on between you and Harry, I'm just a little confused is all," she admits, waving her arms around and I feel a wave of relief pass over me.

"So you better start giving me answers," she adds playfully shaking my shoulder.

"Okay," I giggle.

"So what is going on????"

"Well a lot of things have happened in the past couple of weeks, and I don't know if he told you about what happened with ... Edwin, but basically I can't deny that I have gained feelings for Harry, a little bit."

'A little is an understatement,' my subconscious adds.

"Yeah he told me about it, the day it happened he was hysterical, after he left your house and came back to ours he almost drove back to get you," she says shaking her head, reminiscing.

"To be honest though, I saw it coming, the more you pushed him away the more I knew you were starting to feel something for him." She admits.

"Oh." Is all I manage to say. I am completely dumbfounded.

"Now here comes the lecture,if you do decide to pursue this any further, I want you to be careful, this is really hard on me because I don't want either of you to get hurt if this ends badly, you're my best friend and he's my baby brother and I also don't want Harry to be led on either because he's wanted to be with you for a really long time and if he's hurt by you it'll devastate him."

"I won't hurt him I..." I trail off. I can't tell her I love him.

"You what?"

"I care about him a lot he's been a part of my life for so long, that it would hurt a lot if he wasn't anymore."

'Understatement once again.' My subconscious mocks me.

"Ok just making sure," she smiles, then hugs me tightly

"I love you Kenny," she says giggling at her use of the boyish nickname she gave me back when we were 7.

"I love you too Gem," I giggle too.

"Let's go eat, I am starving!" She grumbles, rubbing her tummy and pulling me back into the kitchen.

(Authors note: HI guys! Sorry this is such a short chapter compared to the others but we're getting so close to the more present day part of the story, with all grown up Harry and McKenna! Who's excited? I know I am! Once again thank you for all the support you guys give this story, and all the likes and reads! You guys motivate me to keep writing, I love you all so much and as always keep voting and commenting, I'm sick so I'll probably update again tomorrow!)

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