Chapter 18

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English country side, 2012

(McKenna's POV)

It's been almost two years since since I last saw Harry in person. After he left that night with the others, Simon met with them for hours and talked to them about giving them a record deal and within a few hours they signed a contract. About a week later they left on the X factor tour. When they came back they were in recording studio all the time, creating their first album then not even a week after it was released, they were being invited to all kinds of TV shows for interviews, and guest appearances, and then came their first tour. Harry and I kept in touch for a while through phone calls and skype. Every time we talked he seemed very happy and excited to be doing something new, he always had something interesting to talk about, like a weird fan experience or something outrageous he and the boys did. I was insanely happy for him but every time each phone call ended, I found myself slightly upset and wishing I was there with him to experience his new exciting world.

About six months ago I graduated Uni. I opened up my own art gallery with Silvia about a month later and my dreams have been becoming a reality since then as more and more people have begun to recognize my artwork. I started to become really busy with renovations and Harry became more and more busy too, before I knew it our phone calls became less frequent until we weren't even talking at all. It's been about four months since we last talked, and today is his mum's wedding to her long term boyfriend Robin. I would be walking down the aisle as a bride's maid but I broke my leg in a freak accident where I slipped off a ladder while trying to hang up a painting in my gallery.

So instead I'm sitting through the entire ceremony. Anne picked such a lovely and remote place, the country side, to have her wedding, just in case Harry could show up. He's currently in the area recording for their 2nd album. Anne told me there's a high possibility he might not come, for fear that his fans might crash the wedding, but I still have high hopes that Harry will show up.

I wonder what he looks like?

Has he grown much taller since the last time I saw him? I mean I've seen pictures of him here and there on the internet because it's kinda Impossible to avoid and I follow him on twitter but I had to avoid looking at his posts for a while because it hurt to see when he was photographed with other girls and looking at pictures of him online doesn't give the same satisfaction as seeing him in person.

"McKenna," My mum calls, bringing me out of my thoughts. I look at her and she stares back at me with a flawless, perfectly made up face, her dark brown hair I pulled in to a fancy braided bun for her only a half hour ago is a little loose but it still looks beautiful. My mom looks as if she could be my older sister rather than my mother, since she had me when she was eighteen. Everything about us is the same except for our eye colors, hers are hazel green and my blue gray eyes I assume match my father's.

"McKenna!" She calls again, concern crossing her face as she straightens out the skirt of her baby pink dress, a nervous habit I inherited from her.

"I'm sorry. What?" I ask shaking my head to clear my head of all thoughts.

"We're here," She unbuckled her seatbelt and opened her door. "Honey are you okay? You've been awful quiet this entire drive." She asks straightening her dress out one more time before getting out of the car.

"Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind," I explain.

"Okay well don't worry about what anyone will think because you look beautiful, even in that cast" she beams at me as if she think thinks the one thing on my mind is how I look.

"Thanks mom," I giggle and look at the matching violet shades on my cast and dress.

"Your welcome," she smiles, closing her door, walking over to my side and handing me my crotches from the back seat and helping me on to them.

"Anne really out did herself," my mom stares in awe at the scenery in front of her and I move my eyes to the location where she's staring and my mouth drops open, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever scene.

(AN: Hey guys sorry this chapter is so short but I wanted to update and explain where we are in the story, Chapter 19 will be up this weekend and will be MUCH Longer and will obviously be a continuation of this one, thank you for being so patient and thank you for the 3.4 k reads I love you guys so much and don't forget comment and vote, and tell me your opinions!)

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