Chapter 11

397 9 4

Cheshire, England 2010

(McKenna's POV)

My alarm went off signaling me to wake up and get ready for the day, I didn't sleep at all last night for two reasons. One, every time I closed my eyes I saw Harry and two, I was terrified Edwin would come back while I was sleeping. I've been paranoid that he would come back all week and I've barely slept at all, if this keeps up I might have to consider staying and Harry and Gemma's for a couple of days.

I get up slowly and stretch, looking around my room at all of my collective posters of bands then stopping at my small photo collage right next to my bed. Most of the pictures in the collage are of me with Anne, Gemma and Harry, very few of them are with my actual Mum. I even have a few with Harry's dad back when he and Anne were still together, he was and is the closest thing I ever had to a father figure because I never met my own dad. My eyes lock on this one particular photo of Harry, Gemma and I opening presents on Christmas at their house, we all look so happy, so bright eyed. My eyes focus on Harry and I giggle at his cheesy smile, he's missing a few baby teeth and he clutching a shinny new action figure. I shake my head and pry my eyes away from the picture and look at the clock. Shit. I'm running late.

I run to my closet and pull out a white lace dress and a black cardigan and my favorite black boots. I take them to the bathroom and set them down, hopping into the shower. I shower really fast and I'm out within ten minutes, I dry my hair and pull it into a messy bun, not even bothering with it today and get dressed at hyper speed. I apply a bit of make up to my dead looking face, concentrating mostly on the dark circles under my eyes. When I finally feel a little better with myself, I rush out to the kitchen, grab my school bag and a banana and water bottle to eat on the way and run out the door to my car.


The whole drive to school, Harry consumes my thoughts. It's been about a week since we kissed, and I can honestly say I miss him terribly. He's been at boot camp this whole week and today they pick the people who get to move on to the judges' houses, I'm not really too worried for Harry though because I know he has what it takes. I just wish he believed in himself more.

I pull up into the student parking lot and park my car. I look at the clock on my dash board and surprisingly enough I'm early. Of course, even when I'm running late I still end up being early. I get my school bag to check it's contents, a stupid habit because I always have everything I need. I look and all of my art supplies are inside just as I suspected. I zip up my bag and get out of my car, throwing the strap of my bag over one shoulder. I walk swiftly across campus but slow down when I spot my friend Silvia.

"Silvia!!" I scream, not even paying any mind to all the people who stop to stare at me. She turns around and her green eyes search the crowd for me and when she finally spots me a huge smile spreads across her face.

"McKenna!!" She hollers back, running over to me.

"Did your hair get redder?" I ask touching her long bright red hair.

"Yeah I dyed it yesterday," she says giggling.

"Of course you did," I say shaking my head as we walk to class.

When we get there, we're of course the first ones in the class. Professor Harvey looks up from his work, combs his black hair out of his eyes with his fingers and greets us with his usual charming smile, before turning his attention back to his lap top. Silvia and I exchange a look and giggle, "god he's so dapper." I whisper and Silvia nods her head in agreement. We take seats in front of class and set up our stations. After 15 minutes the class is finally full and is ready to begin.

"Hello, everyone today's class is going to be a bit loose so I want you to paint anything that's been on your mind, maybe relieve some stress, when you're done just bring it up to me," he announces briefly before turning back to his laptop.

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