Chapter 5

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Cheshire,England 2010

(Gemma's POV)

I follow McKenna to my car, in complete and utter astonishment, I can't believe she just kissed my brother on the cheek and hugged him. I mean I know it's only a hug and a kiss on the cheek but McKenna hasn't hugged Harry since we were little kids, before she knew he had this massive crush on her. She probably thinks I'm angry about it, but to be honest I'm really not. I know it's not normal for a girl to want her best friend and her little brother to be together, but I genuinely wouldn't be bothered about it. She doesn't like him though so there's no need to admit that to her, or does she? I'm broken from my confused thoughts by McKenna clearing her throat. I look up at her and say nothing.

"Uh, are you gonna unlock the car?" She questioned me arching her brow and eyeing me cautiously.

"Oh, right." I say unlocking the doors, and wondering how long I've been standing here motionless. I get in the car and she gets in too and we drive off.

(McKenna's POV)

My alarm went off startling me awake, I hit the snooze and rolled back over on my side, and close my eyes again. Why did my alarm go off so early? It's not like I have anything planned today. I think and groan to myself. About 10 minutes pass before it dawns on me. "SHIT, It's Harry's X factor audition day!" I yell, my eyes springing open as I practically bounce off my bed and race to get ready.

After Harry's announcement over dinner on Friday, the week went by super fast. I'm so thankful that Gemma never mentioned anything about my little hug and kiss on the cheek that I gave Harry, because I honestly had no explanation as to why I did it. After she gave me a silent treatment during the car ride to the mall she acted as if nothing happened. Which I was again grateful for but slightly confused by it.

I hear a knock on my door and I push back my thoughts about the situation, it's not like it meant anything it was just a friendly hug and kiss on the cheek I reassure myself. I hear a knock again, this one more impatient than the last.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, " I holler and walk over to my door from my closet. I yank the door open to find my boyfriend Edwin standing right there in my doorway his brown eyes shinning and his longish blonde hair placed messily across his forehead. For a moment I'm stunned, he's been studying in France for about a month now, what is he doing here?

"Surprise!!!" He yells before picking me up and spinning me around my room.

"What are doing here?" I ask breathlessly once he puts me back down.

"I took some time off of school and came to visit you for the rest of the week," he says smiling sweetly causing his dimples to appear, kinda like Harry when he smiles that adorable smile. He gives me a swift peck on the lips, I wait for butterflies or some kind of fire to ignite inside me but I feel nothing, all I feel is a slight annoyance towards him for dropping by without even warning me first. "So what do you want to do first?" He chirps.

"I'm busy today," I say abruptly, turning away from him to put on my shoes.

"Oh," he replies his voice clouded with disappointment and a bit of sadness.

"Well what are you doing today?" He prods.

It takes every once of self control I have not to snap at him, as I look at the clock and notice I'm starting to run a bit late.

"I'm hanging with Gemma today, we're going to the spa," I half lie, not wanting to tell him what I'm actually doing in order to protect Harry. The past almost two years that we've been dating , Edwin has always teased Harry because of his crush on me. I've never liked it one bit when he used to do it but I never really defended him but for some reason the thought of him teasing Harry now is unbearable.

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