Chapter 21

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London, England 2013
(McKenna's POV)
I woke up at around 2 in the afternoon, and that was because my Mum's cat that she left me to babysit over a year ago plopped down on my stomach giving me the biggest heart attack ever. Milo is now unfortunately mine because my Mum couldn't afford to keep him anymore and insisted on me keeping him, saying that an animal would be good for me since I'm so lonely all the time. Ugh, how embarassing that even my Mum knows how pathetically lonely I've been. The cat has taken a liking to everything in this appartment but especially me. I hate to say it but I've really taken a liking to him too, having him around is better than having no one at all.
I got up and stretched slowly, and started walking and Milo jumped down from my bed, trailing after me meowing loudly.
"Are you hungry Milo?" I asked looking down at him as if he would answer back.
"Meow," he stared up at me his green eyes glistening and he liked his lips.
"Okay boy let's get you something to eat," I said bending over to scratch him between his ears. What is my life coming to I'm talking to my cat.
I led him into the kitchen and opened can of fancy feast and put it on the floor for him to eat, which he did so greedily.
I pored myself a bowl of lucky charms cereal, walked over to my big red couch and plopped down in the seat and began eating lazily. I grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels in hopes of finding something interesting to watch. I eventually settled for a cheesy 90's low budget horror film and sat there staring at the screen in a daze for what seemed like hours. I was awoken from my trance when my phone started to ring with Gemma's personalized ringtone of "Girls just wanna have fun." I wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone so I kinda just stared at my phone in hopes that she would eventually give up and hang up the phone, but Gemma Styles had always been the persistent type I especially when she had something important to tell you so I gave in and finally picked up
"Jesus McKenna, I thought you were gonna never pick up," She groaned, and I knew in that moment that if she were with me she would be scowling right now.
"Sorry Gem, what is it? I'm kinda um... busy." I bit my lip hard.
"That's a bloody lie and we both know it Kenna."
She knew me so well.
"Alright," I sighed and half groaned "What is it?"
"Well Jesus Grumpy Trousers, what got you on the wrong side on bed this morning?"
"Nothing, just tell me what you called to tell me please." I whined
"Alright alright, stop your whining, I called to tell you that the boys are in town tonight."
"What boys?" I asked completely forgetting who she could possibly be talking about.
"....Harry and the boys, they're having a show in London."
My heart dropped and felt as if it were going to fall out of my butt.. A lump in my throat formed making it difficult to swallow.
"Oh." Was all I could manage to say.
"And I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to see them..."
".... I um I...." I was at a loss for words.
"McKenna, I know it'll be hard because you haven't seen Harry in so long but when I mentioned you to the boys they all seemed like they would super excited to see you again," she tried to convince me.
"I don't know, if that's such a good-" she cut me off before I could finish.
"I'll be there in ten!" She hollered into the phone and then hung up before I could protest.
I placed my cereal on the coffee table, suddenly losing all my appetite and I laid down on my big comfy couch as my heart tried to break it's way out of my rib cage at the thought of seeing Harry again.
Ten minutes later just like she promised she was at my door knocking. I made no attempt to rush to the door, I got up, slowly stretching, taking my dear sweet time time to open it and when I finally opened the door my best friend frantically rushed inside almost falling over.
"Hey Gem, nice of you to drop in!" I half giggled at my extremely corny joke.
She groaned at my joke then turned to face me and when she saw me, her eyes bulged out as she stared at me.
"McKenna you look.... Um, why are you dressed like that?"
I look down at my baggy black t shirt and my sleeping shorts.
"These are my Pjs,"I tell her slowly.
"Yeah I know that, but you look like a train wreck, love. Your hair looks as if it could be a nest for a large bird."
"Well thanks Gem, for the brutal honesty, maybe you should go to the concert without me..." I started to make my way back to the couch but Gemma grabbed my wrist and wouldn't let it go.
"I'm not going without you I was just explaining the fact that I have a lot of work to do."
I looked at her utterly clueless.
"What do you mean by that?" I blinked at her as she started dragging me to my room.
"It means I'm going to give you a fantastic makeover so utterly fantastic that no one will be able to take their eyes off you." She giggled excitedly.
"I don't know if that's a good or bad thing..."
"God McKenna just shut up and let me work my magic!" She groaned and opened up my huge makeup case.
(Harry's POV)
"Harryyyyy get up, breakfast is here!" Louis hollered as he bounced up and down on the side of my big King bed. The worst thing we did was give each other keys to our hotel rooms..
I heard myself mumble something and I rolled over on my side, facing away from him and covered my face with a pillow so it muffled his incredibly loud and obnoxious voice.
"No we can't give your food to Niall!" He chuckled.
I heard my door unlock and once again there was another person in my room. Fucking fantastic.
"C'mon Harry, your food is gonna get cold.." Liam coaxed probably standing with that annoying new girlfriend of his..
"I just want to sleep, is that too much to ask for?" I groaned from under my pillow.
The door swung open once again and then yet another one of my annoying bandmates stepped into my room.
"Harry, your sister is going to be here soon with McKenna, don't you want to be ready for them," Zayn explained.
I took the pillow off my head and sat straight up, wide awake.
"I should've known McKenna would have been the magic word to waking him up.." Louis chuckled shaking his head.
I got up quickly ignoring that comment, pretending like I didn't hear it.
"Alright boys, lead me to the food," I walked ahead of them and kept rubbing my face so Louis and the others couldnt see that I was blushing.
It's been so long since I've last seen her and I still blush at the mention of her name like the sixteen year boy I was when I last saw her. Gemma has sent me pictures here and there of them together and McKenna is still fucking flawless as ever.
It's not fair it's really not fair to be so effected by someone, who probably doesn't even give a shit about you anymore. I hope that when she sees, she sees how much I've grown as a person, since the last time she saw me.
(McKenna's POV)
What seems like an hour or more goes by and Gemma finishes working her magic on my face and outfit. She had me turned away from the mirror the whole time so I couldn't see what she was doing.
"Okay Ken Ken, it's time to see your new face" she giggles.
"I bet you really outdid yourself this time," I half laugh, nervous to see the new face that awaits me when I look in the mirror.
"Well I wouldn't say that," she laughs, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, excitedly.
"So you didn't outdo yourself?" I ask, wondering why it took so long then..
"No, I did! I just wouldn't say it like that!" She giggles more. "Now shhhh! It's time to reveal you!" She smiles widely and spins me around to face the mirror.
"Tadaa! ... Well what do you think?" She smiles expectantly.
I am totally and completely stunned, the girl staring back at me in the mirror is someone I haven't seen in a long time. Her long dark hair is no longer a birds nest, but instead a brown flowing river, her grey blue eyes are radiant and really pop with her smokey eye makeup, and her lips are a light pink shade. She's wearing a white Juliet styled top and a tight black skirt, which Accentuates her arse perfectly, and for the first time in forever, that girl is me.
"My god Gem, I'm stunned..." I say smiling wide at my reflection in the mirror.
"Your welcome," she giggles.
"Thank you so much," I turn away from the mirror and hug her tight.
Gemma hugs me tight for a long time then pulls away.
"Come on love, we have a boy to Flabbergast and a concert to attend," she smiled wholeheartedly, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the front door to my apartment.
"Slow your roll Gem," I giggle, stopping us in our tracks. "Isn't it a bit early to start heading over?" I add, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Oh... That's right I forgot to tell you!"
"Tell me what Gem?" I sigh.
"They're having a meet and greet before the show.. And I kinda promised we would help out..." She say quietly avoiding eye contact with me.
"Gemma Ann Styles, what am I going to do with you " I groan, rolling my eyes.
"I think the question is what would you do without me, Ken." She giggles and wraps her arm around me.
Ugh. It was absolutely Impossible to stay mad at her.
How could you be mad at a Styles?
You can't because they're so charming and good at making you smile.
"C'mon!" I giggle looping my arm around her and pulling her out the door, locking it behind me.
I look around expecting to see her old rickety car, but it's no where in sight.
"Um.. Gemma, where's your car?" I ask still searching the lot as if it'll turn up somewhere.
"I didn't come in my car silly!"
"Then, who's or what car did you come in?" I look at her confused and half anxious for what awaits.
"That one!" She smiles, pointing to a grey Buick van that's circling the lot to come toward us. My eyes bug out as I see the shiny vehicle and I open my mouth to say something but she cuts me off.
"Before you say anything, the boys thought it would make sense to be driven there by one of their drivers, instead of us risking the chance of going in my car and having it break down on the side of my road, and despite my protests.. They thought this was necessary."
"Wow just wow." I mumble.
"A lot has changed since you last saw the boys, they like to go big," she rolls her eyes.
Yeah I can see that" still gapping at the car, I open the door and slide inside of the spacious Van and Gemma slides in next to me, shutting the door after her. As soon as she shuts the door the driver starts up the car again, jerking forward then we roll onto the busy streets of London.

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