Chapter 12

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Cheshire, England, 2010

(Harry's POV)

I reluctantly leave the girl of my dreams standing alone, bewildered as I make way to stand on stage. I love her. I love her so damn much, I've known this since I was 14 that it's always been more than just a crush. I may never know how she feels about me or if she even feels anything for me at all, but she needed to know my true feelings about her.

I walk onto stage and stand next to this tan guy, with incredibly dark features, who I believe someone called Zayn. We awkwardly make eye contact but I look away quickly, I don't think I've ever heard him talk before, or sing now that I think about it.

I suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey mate does my hair look okay?" Zayn asks me when I turn in his direction, running his fingers through his hair. I almost laugh before I realize he's actually being serious.

"Um yeah looks great," I snort after failing to control my laughter.

"Thanks mate," he smiles, turning away from me and running his hands through his hair once more. Ok then..

"Alright everyone get in a line," Simon's voice booms from the judges table and I slightly jump. We all quickly line up and stare straight ahead almost like troops in the army.

I spot McKenna almost instantly in the audience, she stands out from everyone in the crowd, when she spots me, she smiles and waves and our eyes lock on each other for a moment before she looks away blushing. I'm left breathless, everything she does leaves me breathless.

(McKenna's POV)

After Harry told me that he loved me I was frozen in place for a long time. I stood there, staring at the stage door that he had just went through moments ago, and contemplated life. When the words escaped his lips my heart fluttered, and I hated myself for it, I knew clear as day that I was falling for him, hard. It was all wrong but it felt so right. I almost chased after him, and told him that I loved him back, but I forced myself to stay where I was standing and watch him go. I can't do this to Gemma, I mean it's her younger brother, and Harry means too much to me for me to lose him if it doesn't work out. Maybe if he gets through to the next round, he'll meet someone new on the X Factor and completely forget about me. Is that really what I want? No of course not, but I'm not about to lose my best friend over some stupid feelings I have for her brother.

"McKenna," Gemma says gently shaking my arm, bringing me out of my thoughts and back to reality.

"Huh?" I say shaking my head and turning to look at her.

"They're about to pick the last person who gets to move on to the next round," she tells me before giving me a recap of everything I just missed.

I look at Harry and give him a thumbs up, he smiles back at me nervously and I cross my fingers. I really want this for him.

"And the last person that moves on to the next round is.... Tom Richards."

"Wait. What?" I gasp.

Harry walks off stage with the cluster of people who didn't make it. Before I can think rationally I run away from where I'm siting with Gemma and Anne, and into the back stage entrance where it's off limits for any family and friends to be. When my arms find him in the crowd, I hold him close. I can feel him shaking against my body as he quietly sobs into my shoulder.

"I'm here Harry it's okay," I coo rubbing his back comfortingly. "They wouldn't know really talent if it bit them in the arse," I add when he stays silent, not caring who hears me. He chuckles quietly into my shoulder before pulling away to whip his tears with his beanie. I take the beanie from his large hands and whip his tears away with my thumbs. He smiles at me gratefully and I kiss his cheek, earning a dimply smile from him. He wraps his arms around my waist and I bury my face in his chest.

"I love you," he whispers into my ear. I love you too, I respond in head so no one else hears it but me.

"All the boys who have not made it to the next round please stand in a huddle," Simons voice suddenly booms from behind me. I look up at Harry and he meets my gaze, I nod silently telling him to go. He lets go of me and reluctantly leaves my side to go stand with the others.

I tiptoe over and hide behind the massive black curtain so Simon doesn't see me but peek out enough so I can see Harry.

"So the judges and I decide to put 5 of you into a group," Simon says.

Yes Harry has a chance! I cross my fingers for him again.

"Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik and Harry Styles, you are now in a group." He announces and I practically almost jump out from the curtain and Pounce on Harry.

"And as for you," Simon begins unveiling me from my hiding place behind the curtain. "Don't make a habit of this, we have a strict no family or friends policy back here," he adds

"Y-Yes sir," I stutter and with that he walks away.

I rush over to where he is, push past his new band mates and hold him close. I love him, I love him so damn much and he made it.

(Author's Note: I hope you guys liked this chapter, sorry it took so long to post I was really busy all week staying after school and I haven't really had time to write. Thank you so much for 1.2 k reads that's so amazing and I can never thank you guys enough, don't forget to keep voting and commenting. We're getting to the Speed up part of the story now c: )

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