Episode One 'It's Not Ogre Yet'

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"Gravity Falls. You might think it's a small little town like any normal person, well it is. If you consider being chased by an Ogre normal." Dipper said

"Dipper! Come on faster!" Mabel coached, running as fast as she could.

A ten foot giant monster with one eye and a horn on its head, wearing just a loincloth and slugging a wooden club over his shoulder stomped forward.

He swung his giant club at the twins who barely managed to duck under the wooden menace.

"Come on Mabel, we gotta move!" Dipper shouted at her, the twins feet pounding on the dirt road back to the mystery shack.

"Now I'm sure you're wondering what in the world is going on, well don't worry. There's a perfectly illogical explanation."



"You see, about a year ago me and my sister Mabel went to Gravity Falls for the summer. Turns out this little town in Oregon is not normal, we ended up fighting a bunch of monsters. One in particular being an evil triangle named Bill. Eventually we had to go back home, but this summer we were invited back! Now today was like any day at the Mystery Shack." Dipper narrated.

Soos was working on a golf cart that had been broken by Dipper and Wendy doing some stunts, meanwhile Mabel was playing with Waddles, Dipper was cleaning up around the shack, Stan was introducing tourists to the Turd, a bird head on a turtle body, and Wendy was working the register.

"Man, has it been boring ever since Weirdmagedden ended?" Dipper asked Wendy while using a broom to clean up some dust.

"Pretty much dude, there hasn't been much of anything going on, well except for Thompson getting food poisoning." Wendy replied, reading a magazine.

"That's the most eventful thing that's happened since we left?" Dipper asked her, confused as to why that specific moment was mentioned.

"Yeah pretty much, man I'm so glad you guys are back. Maybe you guys can find something that the group can do together!" Wendy told him.

"Well, I can't say I'm upset that Bill is still gone or that we might have a chance at not almost dying fifty times before the summer ends." Dipper laughed.

"And here we have Sharks!" Gruncle Stan said to a group of tourists, leading them to bark shaped like sharks.

"Those aren't sharks!" One of the tourists complained.

"Oh but they are! They're rare sharks that are made of bark! And you can own one for only $75 a Shark!" Stan told the tourists, holding one of the pieces of bark in his hands.

"I want one!" One cries, holding money in their fist.

"Me too!" Another shouted, doing the same.

The process repeated until Stan was being swarmed by them.

"So how did Soos do working the Shack when we were gone?" Dipper asked.

"Well he made this woodcarving of Stan and then had to put it in storage because he kept scaring away children!l Wendy laughed. "And here's the best part, he glued a flamingo head on a pig!"

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